Mattie and Louise heading into the tipi!
February 7, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Mattie and Louise heading into the tipi!
February 6, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
February 5, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Mattie had a rough wednesday night. He was quite sick to his stomach. He never vomitted, but he was writhing in pain. He just couldn't get comfortable and he did not want us bringing food of any kind into the room. Hindsight is 20 20, because I later realized that Mattie needed to have Vistaril (an antihistamine) on board prior to the administration of the chemo. In December 2008, Mattie was first administered ifosfamide and etoposide, and during that time he was given kytril and dexamethazone as anti-emetics. However, he can not use dexamethazone now because he is taking the experimental drug, MTP-PE. Apparently dexamethazone, which is a steroid, will inhibit MTP-PE's effectiveness. So in many ways, we are in uncharted territory this time with how to manage Mattie's nausea. So last night, we had to use break through anti-emetics such as ativan. Well this some how hyped up Mattie for several hours (doing the opposite of what it was intended to do), and finally he fell asleep after 1am. He slept so soundly, that he went to the bathroom on himself twice during the night. So Peter and I got very little sleep, mainly because we had to change Mattie and his linens. I have learned my lesson enough to know that chemo is excreted in urine and that you don't want to be sitting in this stuff. How I functioned today is beyond me, and hats off to Peter, because I could not have put in a full day of work which requires a lot of mental energy.
Tricia was Mattie's nurse today. As always Tricia starts my day off with hot tea. It is just such a lovely gesture, because when I am with Tricia, I feel like she is caring for Mattie and myself. She is a mom, and she gets how hard this must be on a fellow mom. I have seen Tricia advocate for my family many a time, and you do not forget moments like this when you are too tired to fight yourself, and someone else steps in for you! She did this for us today again. Tricia told Peter tonight that the HEM/ONC resident came up to her and told her that I looked terrible today. Nice, no?! I guess she was asking why I looked this bad? She then asked Tricia if I was a single mom. You got to love this line of reasoning. So much for sensitivity, so much for trying to understand what a family is going through. Tricia did not let her get away with any of these comments. Tricia explained to the resident that I am a dedicated mom, and that Peter is an incredible dad who works by day and spends every night at the hospital. I don't think the resident had much to say afterwards. Part of me gets annoyed by such comments because I would like to have higher expectations for those working in the medical field, however, the other part of me feels like such comments inspire me on my mission and quest to educate the medical community to the psychological and emotional worlds of families dealing with cancer.
Mattie slept in this morning, and while he was sleeping I bounced in and out of his room a couple of times to do laundry. We had a ton to do considering last night's incidents. Each time I left the room, I whispered in Mattie's ears where I was going. Always checking if he had to go to the bathroom before I left. Because he has a tendency to hold it, and then when he has to go, it is an emergency. When Mattie woke up, he was excited to work on my computer and to show me the work he did with Mary yesterday. He enjoyed his time with Mary and in his head he thought she was coming back again today. High compliments. In any case, he showed me his clipart creations, and even designed a few more things. While he was creating, I fed him an entire banana. But that is all he ate for most of the day. Then he complained that his stomach hurt him, and he is refusing all his oral supplements that he needs to take daily (such as calicium, phosophorus, and meds to prevent mouth sores which are a common side effect from chemo). Mattie quickly decided he wanted to head to the playroom.
In the playroom, Mattie met up with Linda and Meg. Mattie was also visited by Sally, the story lady. Sally was dressed in African garb today and looked lovely. She read Mattie an African American children's story and Mattie even got to play the drums during parts of the story. He loved the story so much, Sally read it three times to him. Sally gave Mattie his own hand drum, that he gets to decorate. I snapped a picture of Mattie and Sally having fun. I loved the message in the story, because basically it was telling children about the importance of following your passion, and when you do, you will be happy and this happiness spreads to others around you.
Mattie and I spent the afternoon building an airplane hangar out of a cardboard box in the childlife room. We had a good time doing this, and he was proud to show me that he could use a hot glue gun independently. His hangar turned out to be beautiful. What do you think?
February 4, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I now bring oatmeal packets to the hospital with me, because Mattie refuses all hospital meals. But one thing I notice is that I can now leave the room for a couple of minutes to heat up foods without Mattie panicking. This is real progress! Meg came by to visit Mattie this morning and she alerted us that Linda was back! Mattie was thrilled and literally wanted to jump into his wheelchair to go find her. He carried with him the two pins he made for Linda yesterday (one is a cockroach and the other pin said "Lovely Linda" on it). Last night we wrote on Linda's dry erase board, "Welcome Back, Love Room 10" and then we drew a heart and inside the heart we wrote, "We love Linda."
Mattie found Linda right away and he was very happy to see her. Linda got a kick out of the cockroach pin, and she is a real sport because she even wore it for Mattie today! Though Linda had a ton to catch up on today since she had been out last week, she found plenty of opportunities to play with Mattie today. She gave Mattie a lego set, which kept him busy for quite some time. Mattie also received more hotwheel cars from Linda today, and Mattie and I had a good time playing together in the playroom. While Mattie was in the playroom, Kathleen walked in with Sarah Marshall (another fine HEM/ONC nurse). Kathleen came up to Mattie and encouraged him to check her pockets. So he did! What he pulled out was a riot! I wish I had my camera with me. He pulled out a big pile of gak or in essence some sort of goopy substance. It was bright pink and very slimy. Mattie loved it! He then asked me to go back to the room, to get the "potty putty" Mattie received from Ann. Well the playroom turned into a very noisy zone, full of bathroom sounds that only a six year old boy would find pure joy in! He had the nurses laughing!
Soon there after, Jey came to visit. Jey got a kick out of the pink gak and putty! Jey has a good sense of humor and really played along with Mattie. Food was brought in today for lunch for all the families in the PICU. Linda delivered us a cheese pizza and Mattie helped himself to two pieces. Then we had a visit from Catherine M. Catherine is a RCC mom, and though I never met her while Mattie was in preschool, Catherine is supporting us and delivered us a lovely lunch. She even gave Mattie a wonderful riddles book! Mattie had two lunches and the way to get him to eat is through distractions. He gets busy doing things, and I find a way to shovel food into his mouth. In all reality he was like this when he was a baby! We have come full circle on his eating patterns.
Physical therapy today was very memorable. We all got a work out. Jessie came up from the clinic, and Linda joined us as well. What followed next was a riot. Anna got Mattie stomping his right foot on the ground, by hitting a leg pump which sent a rocket filled with bubbles into the air. I took a picture of this activity, and you can see Mattie staring up to the ceiling while watching the rocket.
You can see Anna and I beginning the twisting process. Which only got worse, until I ended up all balled up!
The second e-mail I received was from Charlie. I hope you enjoy the "I Believe" poem as much as I do!
I Believe...That no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you everyonce in a while and you must forgive them for that.
February 3, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Quote of the day:
"I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish thefriend who for me does not consult his calendar." ~ Robert Brault
Charlie wrote, "This seems to reflect the sentiment of the blog; all about time and friendship. Passage of time is such a subjective thing; there are points at which it almost seems to stop and others where we say it flies. And then there are the points where one lives outside of time as others know it. This is where you and Pete seem to be. He has more of an anchor to the daily routine with work but evenfor him the connection is clearly fragile. It is nice to read how people leave their routines or work to connect and spend time with you and/or Mattie. As I said before, the gift of someone's time, truly and completely given is something to be treasured! You've often given that to your students (I was the recipient on more than one occasion) and it is wonderful to see it returned!"
Mattie woke up several times on Monday night to use the bathroom. He is receiving a large quantity of fluids for hydration, so his necessity to jump up every two hours is understandable. But it makes for a very restless night of sleep. This hydration is necessary because Mattie is receiving a fairly high concentration of Etoposide and Ifosfamide, and Ifosfamide in particular needs to be flushed out of the system otherwise it can damage the bladder. Peter did most of the jumping up and down last night with Mattie, which was great for me, but not so good for Peter. Fortunately though Peter was checking on Mattie periodically because he noticed at one point during the night that Mattie’s hydration stopped. Nothing was going through the IV. Peter immediately called the nurse who looked shocked by this news. We have no idea how long Mattie wasn’t receiving fluids for, but I was so happy that Peter caught this problem.
Mattie woke up today in a bad mood. He was grumpy, wasn’t communicating, and worst of all, he told me constantly that he was bored and did not know how to occupy himself. Not the best of circumstances for me to deal with. The one consolation was Tricia was our nurse. Every time Tricia is our nurse, she always starts my day off with a cup of hot tea. It is these simple acts of kindness that mean so much! Mattie bounced around several times today from his room to the childlife playroom. Literally so many times that I lost track. It must have been like watching a tennis match for the nurses. We just kept going back and forth, as if he couldn’t get comfortable being in either place ALL day. We did start off the day in the childlife playroom. Mattie decided to play a board game with me, one I had never heard of. It was about skiing. I was at a total disadvantage, I don’t ski and I never played the game. So it took me a while to figure it out. Even then, the game was frustrating which only further agitated Mattie. While we were playing Julia (a friend and RCC mom) and her daughter, Jaimie visited us. They brought a wonderful lunch and Mattie finished an entire vanilla shake today and all of his chicken. This was excellent news. Thank you Julia for lunch, the fantastic chocolate, and the visit!
Our next visitor to the playroom was Jey. Jey is a CT tech, but better known as Mattie’s ‘big brother.’ Jey helped me downstairs to the clinic. I decided to take Mattie downstairs to the Lombardi Clinic to meet up with Jenny and Jessie for a change of scenery. Jey pushed both Mattie’s wheelchair and the IV pole for me. Which was very thoughtful of him. Jey understands Mattie’s moods and doesn’t get upset or flustered by them.
While Mattie was in the clinic, I ran back up to the PICU to pick up my lunch and bring it to the clinic. While I was in Mattie’s room, Dr. Toretsky came to visit us. He walked downstairs with me to the clinic, and while I had lunch he sat and talked with me. We talked about Mattie’s treatment, the issues I see with Mattie’s left arm and leg, and we also talked about the future. Though we are nowhere close to completion with Mattie’s treatment, I am beginning to see a frightening future ahead. It is a future of constant scans, and waiting on pins and needles for test results. To some extent being hooked up to chemo makes you feel safe. It is safe because you know you are actively fighting the disease. But what happens when the chemo is finished? How do we protect Mattie? It is a question that parents of a child with cancer must ask themselves day in and day out. I just keep telling myself that we learned to deal with our current situation so to some extent I am sure this will be another stage of the coping and adjustment process we will make, but I also know it won’t be easy. It really hit me today, that on July 23, 2008, when Mattie was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma that this was a life-altering day. It signifies the day in which cancer was brought into our lives forever.
Mattie had a good time creating with Jenny and Jessie. Jenny and Jessie have made it their business to locate all available cardboard boxes in the hospital. They know this is one of Mattie’s favorite pass times, painting on a box! After the clinic, we came back upstairs, and Mattie again bounced back and forth to the playroom and his room. He played with Meg for a while and even Mary, a hospital volunteer. But all of his play was short lived. Meg even allowed Mattie to play with a new science kit that came in. The kit contains a microscope and Mattie got to examine insects under the microscope. His favorite! Mattie did some great art projects in the childlife playroom today. He painted a lot of wonderful pictures, such as a fruit scene, a pumpkin, an “abstract” as he calls it, and a landscape scene featuring a round red house. All of these masterpieces are now taped to Mattie’s hospital door and you can see them in the picture below! In addition, Meg helped Mattie make colorful buttons, the type that you can pin onto a shirt. Mattie literally made six buttons and pinned them to his pjs. He also made a button for Peter, myself, and Meg. Then he made two buttons for Linda. Linda is coming back to work on Wednesday after being on leave for a family emergency. We have missed Linda tremendously! I have a feeling Linda will get a kick out of the buttons. One button has a cockroach on it (Mattie’s bug of choice these days) and the other button is pretty, and says “Lovely Linda” on it with a butterfly.
At around 4:30pm, Mattie developed a massive headache and then started to feel nauseous. I took him back to his room, and Tricia (one of Mattie’s favorite nurses) administered him Vistaril. Literally this antihistamine is the miracle drug for Mattie. He has been sleeping soundly since around 6pm. I think today he was wiped out but just couldn’t shut down. It would explain his moodiness, edginess, and in ability to focus on anything.
When Peter got to the hospital tonight, Mattie was already sleeping. I had all the best intentions of writing the blog in peace and then being able to relax. But that wasn’t in the cards for me. I literally went to every location on campus and I couldn’t get my laptop connected to the Internet. This made me a VERY frustrated person. Fortunately the PICU staff allowed us on the computer long enough to post a message on our blog that there wouldn’t be a posting on Tuesday night. I have yet to miss one blog posting since Mattie got sick, and I was livid today that Georgetown’s guest system went down. The irony is the tech folks at Georgetown weren’t even aware of this when Peter called. Fortunately Peter is technologically savvy and straightened this tech person out over the phone, because the tech person was saying the problem was on our end with our computer. Needless to say, this better be corrected by tomorrow. The PICU is full of very upset parents tonight! For many of us, the computer is our connection to the outside world, and with no Internet it further exacerbates an already difficult situation.
The one silver lining in all of this is that Ellen is our nurse tonight. Ellen is a fabulous HEM/ONC nurse and we haven’t seen her in a while. In addition, Mattie has slept through both the infusions of Etoposide and Ifosfamide. So hopefully this will be the start of a good night for us. As we head into Wednesday, I just hope that Mattie wakes up in a happier mood. I felt like he thoroughly wore me out today and we have three more days of infusions to go!
February 2, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Quote of the day: "There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing." ~ Brian Tracy
Left: Jenny is helping to stamp Mattie's foot onto the plaque.
February 1, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Quote of the day: “This very moment is a seed from which the flowers of tomorrow's happiness grow." ~ Margaret Lindsey
Charlie wrote, "I think the blog took me to flowers with the picture of Mattie holding up the flower he made for you. Somehow the image that comes to mind right now is Mattie as a bulb, unseen, full of life, waiting for the spring and his opportunity to once again show us who he is. These glimpses are like the false spring thaws we have here in Virginia, you see the green from your daffodils peek above the ground (and you know your bulbs are alive there) but they stop growing and wait every time the weather changes back to winter. So it seems to be with Mattie, in the hospital, a kind of holding pattern waiting for the chance to be home for an extended period and show once again that the wonderful spirit is waiting for an opportunity to reemerge. Keep the flame of hope alive, Mattie's spirit is there and just waiting for an opportunity to start growing again."
Peter stayed with Mattie last night so that I could get some rest. However, I did not have a restful night of sleep for some reason. When Mattie got up this morning, I cleaned him up and dressed him for the day since he had a visitor coming over in the afternoon. Mattie spent the morning doing puzzles and building with Peter. I went out this afternoon with two friends I hadn't seen in a long time. It was lovely to go out to lunch and to be able to sit and chat like an adult. One of my friends made Mattie homemade marshmallows, which Mattie thought were great along with moon shaped cookies. I also received the book, Living with childhood cancer, today which I plan on reading. It was the first weekend that Peter and I split up parenting duty. I decided to take a break this afternoon, since Peter was invited to go out to see the Super Bowl with our neighbor, JP. This actually worked out well.
At around 2:15pm, Louise (who is a senior at SSSAS), came over to spend some time with Mattie. Louise met Mattie at the hospital last week, and she and her sister hit it off with Mattie. Mattie was happy to spend this time with Louise, and Mattie told me they did a lot of fun things together like playing with his trains, legos, looking at seashells, puzzles, and even helping Peter finally take down our Christmas light display outside! It was a very productive visit, and Peter was even able to run out and do some chores while Louise was with Mattie. Louise had a busy weekend between her school's formal on saturday and a squash tournament today, yet she volunteered to help us. I was very impressed with her generosity of time and her mature priorities. After all, she could have spent her time this afternoon doing anything she wanted to do, but I think it says volumes about her that she took this opportunity to get to know Mattie better.
When I got back from lunch today, Mattie was saying good bye to Louise. I then helped Mattie get ready for his playdate with Charlotte. Ellen and Jeff, Charlotte's parents, invited us over their house this evening for dinner. Mattie and Charlotte had a great time together. Charlotte has a contagious laugh, and hearing that sound is good medicine. Ellen served us a fabulous dinner, which I told her needs to go into Mattie's recipe book that Liza May is assembling. It was a pleasure to see Mattie eating broccoli and sitting at a table and conversing. It was a special treat for us to eat in a dining room, with a family (Tyler, Charlotte's brother was home too, and as many of you know Tyler has put extraordinary effort into Mattie fundraising activities), and having a home cooked meal. It made us feel normal. After dinner, we all played a card game called, Apples to Apples. I heard of this game from my niece, but never actually played it. We all had a good time, and Mattie and Charlotte played together as a team against the rest of us. Mattie had a good time climbing up and down Charlotte's staircase. I guess when there is a will there is a way. Mattie crawled up and down on his rump, and you should have seen him moving. Charlotte was a good motivator. At around 8:30pm, Mattie just announced he was tired and wanted to go home, but he told Ellen that he would play with Charlotte anytime. I could tell that Mattie had a good time at Charlotte's tonight!
When we got home, we checked in with Peter. He was enjoying his break watching the Super Bowl. Peter rarely takes any personal time, so I was thrilled that JP invited Peter out and that Peter actually went. For all our Pittsburgh Steeler fans, it must have been a great night for you! I knew when the Super Bowl was over tonight, because my neighbors next door were screaming with excitement!
Tonight, Mattie and I played three rounds of the game, Sorry. He was thrilled that he beat me three times. I am not even trying to lose, he just seems to win! When Peter came back tonight, we both changed Mattie's central line dressing, and cleaned him up for his hospital admission tomorrow. I noticed while trying to flush his lines that one is completely blocked. So we have to address this issue tomorrow at the hospital. I always get nervous when one of these crucial lines gets blocked up, since this is how Mattie's medicines and chemos are administered.
Mattie opened up a special package he received in the mail yesterday. The package was from Mrs. Fischer. Mrs. Fischer is my dear friend Karen's mom. When I met Karen I was only 11, and so therefore, her mom will always be Mrs. Fischer to me. She sent Mattie an INCREDIBLE book. I have never seen a book like it. It is a pop up book with the title, Birdscapes. Bascially each page has a different bird habitat, the birds pop up, and you can also hear the calls that each of the birds make. It is a wonderful book for Mattie because he simply loves looking and hearing the birds. This is a book we will really cherish!
As I sign off for the evening, we are preparing to go back to the hospital tomorrow. This routine is getting wearing! Mattie will be in the hospital monday through friday, because Ifosfamide and Etoposide are administered five days in a row, and of course we still need MTP-PE on monday and thursday. Wish us luck!
