Mattie Miracle 15th Anniversary Video

Mattie Miracle Cancer Foundation Promotional Video

Thank you for keeping Mattie's memory alive!

Dear Mattie Blog Readers,

It means a great deal to us that you take the time to write to us and to share your thoughts, feelings, and reflections on Mattie's battle and death. Your messages are very meaningful to us and help support us through very challenging times. To you we are forever grateful. As my readers know, I promised to write the blog for a year after Mattie's death, which would mean that I could technically stop writing on September 9, 2010. However, at the moment, I feel like our journey with grief still needs to be processed and fortunately I have a willing support network still committed to reading. Therefore, the blog continues on. If I should find the need to stop writing, I assure you I will give you advanced notice. In the mean time, thank you for reading, thank you for having the courage to share this journey with us, and most importantly thank you for keeping Mattie's memory alive.

As Mattie would say, Ooga Booga (meaning, I LOVE YOU)! Vicki and Peter

The Mattie Miracle Cancer Foundation celebrates its 7th anniversary!

The Mattie Miracle Cancer Foundation was created in the honor of Mattie.

We are a 501(c)(3) Public Charity. We are dedicated to increasing childhood cancer awareness, education, advocacy, research and psychosocial support services to children, their families and medical personnel. Children and their families will be supported throughout the cancer treatment journey, to ensure access to quality psychosocial and mental health care, and to enable children to cope with cancer so they can lead happy and productive lives. Please visit the website at: and take some time to explore the site.

We have only gotten this far because of people like yourself, who have supported us through thick and thin. So thank you for your continued support and caring, and remember:

.... Let's Make the Miracle Happen and Stomp Out Childhood Cancer!

A Remembrance Video of Mattie

June 15, 2024

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Tonight's picture was taken in June of 2007. Spring to me will always be caterpillar season! I can't tell you how many of these creepy crawlers Mattie would bring home from his schools in Alexandria. The first time he did this in preschool, I freaked out. But since Mattie was intrigued by them, I went with it. We learned what jars to put them in, what to feed them, and then the excitement unfolded when they would form into a cocoon, and eventually transform into a moth. We learned about the science of metamorphosis in a very hands on manner. So many moth releasing ceremonies on our deck! The beauty of life with Mattie was it was never boring. 

Quote of the day: Each night I put my head to my pillow I try to tell myself I’m strong because I’ve gone one more day without you. ~ Unknown

This morning I looked out the front door and look what I saw... a chipmunk. A favorite of Mattie's and Sunny's! 

When Mattie was a preschooler and we were visiting Peter's parents in Boston, Mattie got to see several chipmunks living in their backyard. Mattie was so fascinated by these little creatures, that in kindergarten he wrote his very first short story on Chippy, the chipmunk. So chipmunks remind me of Mattie.

Somehow seeing this little fellow this morning, gave me the strength to finish the Foundation's 15th anniversary video, to export it into a MP4 file and even upload it to YouTube! Funny the inspiration a chipmunk can be! 

Though the video is going out next week in the Foundation's June newsletter, I am sharing it here tonight! I hope it inspires you, as I know it does me. With the greatest of sadness, I somehow pulled off this huge task. Which meant learning a whole new video application! What I do know is Mattie's life will always have meaning as his journey has defined Mattie Miracle, and guides everything I do! The love of my little boy, is my main motivator in life. Of course, none of this would be possible without our supporters and sponsors. You have joined my Mattie Miracle family and stand behind our cause. 

Three things I am grateful for:

  1. Our 15th Anniversary Video! With Mattie Miracle, finding content to display is never hard!
  2. A chipmunk sighting!
  3. Monarch butterflies fluttering about in the backyard. 

June 14, 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024

Tonight's picture was taken in June of 2007. Mattie was five years old. He was invited to his friend Ellie's birthday party! I believe this was the party that had a pony! I can't tell you how exciting this was for the children! Mattie absolutely loved the ride. Mattie had the best preschool community and I am forever grateful that his speech therapist referred me to this school. It was within this school that Mattie developed amazing friendships and to this day, many of the women I am closest to, I met at this school! 

Quote of the day: It’s hard to let go of someone who has been a good friend, but it’s even harder to hold on to someone who doesn’t want to be held. ~ Unknown

Several months ago, I befriended a woman in England. She is experiencing similar issues as I am, as we met in an on-line support group. Ironically after two group sessions, I dropped out. Those of you who have been long time readers of mine, know, I am NOT a support group type of person! I value the need and importance of support groups, but this mode just doesn't resonate with me. However, it only took two on-line group sessions for me to connect with this woman. We write to each other daily. She writes me in the morning and I write to her before I go to sleep. It has been our pattern for months.  

One of the things we discuss is the art of keeping busy. We all have different names for this! I call it diversions. I swear by diversions, as they are the only thing that helped me survive and cope with the tragic loss of Mattie. Why? Because it is absolutely impossible to sit in grief, with stress, and angst 24/7. The body and mind need breaks from this to recharge and regroup. This is where diversions come in. After Mattie died, I literally spent days in bed. However, while in bed, I was watching Hallmark movies and doing all sorts of crafts. Hallmark and arts and crafts were my therapy. 

My friend's message today included pages from a book she is reading. It is about the therapeutic value of cooking. How we can get invested in preparing a meal, feel control over selecting ingredients, and get lost in the art of chopping, stirring, watching things simmer. I of course believe in this wholeheartedly. I have always loved to cook. Maybe because I like to eat! Or maybe because it reminds me of my maternal grandmother, who was an excellent cook. But I know when I cook dinner (practically every day of the week), it takes my mind off my boat load of troubles. 

I went grocery shopping today and always bring fresh fish home on Fridays. I am a big kalamata olive fan, and bought fresh ones today. I cooked onions, garlic, olive oil, white wine, tomatoes, olives, fresh basil and oregano (from my garden) and tossed it on the flounder and then baked it in the oven for 20 minutes. It was wonderful! But you have to be an olive fan!
My neighbor gave me a white yam! I did not include a photo of it, but I chopped it up and roasted it in the oven with cinnamon and nutmeg. The white yam, tastes like a orange yam, but its consistency is much firmer than the orange yam! 

I also sauteed eggplant and peppers together! I even got my dad to eat eggplant, which is a feat, as he isn't the best with vegetables. So these were my productive diversions this evening. 

Three things I am grateful for:
  1. Friends who email, text, and write to me!
  2. Being almost done with the 15th anniversary video. 
  3. Post-it notes. I have so much going on, that I have notes to myself all over the place. Who ever invested these sticky notes, I thank them!

June 13, 2024

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Tonight's picture was taken in June of 2007. That Memorial Day weekend we took Mattie to Dutch Wonderland in Pennsylvania. Mattie had an amazing time! I will never forget his first ride on a roller coaster. I was scared to death and even now at my age, I have yet to EVER be on a roller coaster in my life. They are not for me, as movement makes me sick to my stomach. I did not know if Mattie was going to be like me or Peter. Turned out Mattie loved the thrill of the ride. He even met Duke the Dinosaur while at the park! 

Quote of the day: I gave you the best of me.~ Nicholas Sparks

Today has been a total blur. I was either on the phone, glued to the computer, or helping my parents. I am desperately trying to put together a 15th anniversary video for the Foundation for our June newsletter. Just about two days ago I was freaking out because I had to learn the new technology! As Microsoft has removed Video Editor and replaced it with Clip Champ. I have now gotten a full handle on Clip Champ and I am plugging away on the creation! It is very hard to tell our Foundation's 15 year story in four short minutes. But I am doing it! I am hoping to keep plugging away through the weekend, with eventually a final product. 

My dad's physical therapist came over today. My dad is slowing down significantly, but we keep at it, trying to get him up, walking, keeping his strength up, because this is crucial to keeping him more independent. My dad feels that we are pestering him. He told me to wait until I am almost 90! My response is that I hope I age better than him, because I do not have a Vicki to turn to for help, support, and care. A sad and frightening reality for me. 

Three things I am grateful for:

  1. Sun and warm weather. 
  2. Butterflies in my garden. 
  3. Knowing that Mattie loved me. Without a doubt! 

June 12, 2024

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Tonight's picture was taken in June of 2007. Mattie was five years old. That Memorial Day weekend we went to Lancaster, PA. Amish country! It was a wonderful weekend trip, filled with new experiences, adventures, learning about the Amish culture, and trying out Amish cooking and treats. We went to the famous Plain and Fancy Restaurant and outside of it was this Amish wagon. If it had wheels, Mattie was interested!

Quote of the day: I am hopelessly in love with a memory. An echo from another time, another place. ~ Michael Faudet

I spent about two hours this morning arranging to pay bills for my mom and for myself. It is a chore I absolutely HATE each month. It is super stressful and it is one of many dozen responsibilities that fall on my already full plate. After doing that, laundry, and other chores, I sat down to try to work on the Foundation's 15th anniversary video. I literally need HOURS to myself to create. Forget it, I never get more than an hour at a time. Just when I get into the process of working, I have to stop. By 1pm each day, my mom wants to be entertained and taken out of the house. 

Later on today, I had my therapy appointment. My therapist was on vacation for two weeks. Then the third week she was sick, and the fourth week I had an MRI. So today, we convened after a month apart. Did I miss our time together over this last month? NOPE! The question could be, why do I go? The answer, I have NO IDEA! 

According to her she has seen a great deal of growth in me as I adjust to Peter leaving me in September. We discussed what my fear is on being single and then she invited me to be kind to myself, to commend and acknowledge myself for what I am enduring, and then the final nail in the coffin, was she mentioned that one day I will find meaning in this and will be stronger! You might as well set my hair on fire, because that was my internal reaction to all of these sentiments. 

After Mattie died, people would tell me similar platitudes, that there was a reason for this! That I would make meaning from losing Mattie, and I would even hear, WOW you are so strong! Totally NOT HELPFUL! I am not motivated by being kind to myself, instead, I am motivated through caring, supporting, and loving other people. So asking me to turn inwards, is REALLY NOT WORKING FOR ME. But to tell me that I will find meaning in this or that I will become stronger, leaves me saying.... WHAT THE HELL!???? REALLY!!!!!?

When Mattie died, I may have invested in his Foundation and helped other children based on the lessons I learned from Mattie, but I don't deem his suffering, his death, and my childless existence helpful tools on my quest to find meaning, and I most definitely could have gained strength in a more humane manner. 

I feel the same way NOW regarding these trite statements. While awaiting my therapy session to start, I was in the lobby with other clients. A couple was there for counseling and they were sitting next to each other, chatting away. I frankly couldn't watch them. It was a painful reminder of what is missing in my life, and just like I have a sickening reaction to seeing pregnant women (because I always wonder.... will their baby also get cancer), I have the same visceral reaction to seeing married couples. 

Three things I am grateful for:

  1. Seeing a baby deer cross the road. This fawn reminded me of Bambi. A movie I saw a few times with Mattie. I always found it profoundly disturbing when Bambi's mom was killed. As a mom at the time, I couldn't imagine leaving Mattie behind. I never thought it was going to be the other way around. 
  2. It was nature day today! In addition to the deer, I also saw a fox. He crossed the road right in front of me. This is the beauty of living outside the beltway of Washington, DC. Access to nature, it is all around me. 
  3. Sitting outside this afternoon, having tea with my mom. My mom for the most part doesn't like sitting outside. But with her terrible cold, I wanted her to get fresh, warm air. 

June 11, 2024

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 -- Mattie died 767 weeks ago today.

Tonight's picture was taken in June of 2006. Mattie was four years old and that day he went with his best buddy Zachary to a Day Out With Thomas. Mattie and Zachary were huge train fans and what I love about this photo was they were all business! On a mission to find Thomas!!!

Quote of the day: I have emotional motion sickness. Somebody roll the windows down. There are no words in the English Language. I could scream to drown you out. ~ Phoebe Bridgers

I had high hopes today that I could work on the Foundation's 15th anniversary video. Every post-walk season, I create a video for supporters. I have been determined to work on this video for the past few weeks, but life has gotten in the way. I have been compiling photos for days now and today I sat down to try to get the first couple of photos loaded onto the video program! As starting is always the hardest step! Or so I thought. What was the problem??? Well Microsoft has removed my beloved Video Editor! You should have seen me! You would have thought I was dealing with a fire in the house! For me it was own personal crisis. 

Each day I am on overload, juggling everything and having to be a jack of all trades! It is hard enough to create a video from scratch and display the content in a meaningful way! But today I learned that I NOT ONLY had to be creative but I actually had to find a whole new video program and teach myself how to use it! I was livid, upset, and overwhelmed all at the same time. Why can't one thing be easy??! Given the nightmare I live each day, it is not like I have hours to myself that I can concentrate and figure things out. I am a one woman island and the only way things will get done is if I do them! 

Now in the midst of all of this, I am still dealing with my mom who is sick and my dad who had three bathroom accidents. Not to mention cooking, cleaning, serving, and meeting demands. Any case at the end of the day, I downloaded Clip Champ and I have taught myself how to use it to create a video! I can't tell you how many things I have had to teach myself since Peter left. You would think with each new thing, I would gain confidence and be less anxious! NOPE! This hasn't happened yet. Each hurdle I have to jump over is just that, DIFFICULT. If it is possible for one's nerves to be on hyper alert, then I am there. It reminds me of the simple fact that I miss having my husband, a person I grew up with and shared all of life's many moments. I now face all these moments alone. 

Three things I am grateful for:

  1. Super glue. Mattie's angel statue fell from the outside plant stand and its head and wing broke off. Thankfully I was able to fix it. 
  2. Taking deep breaths and reminding myself, I can figure this out!
  3. The antics of Indie, the cat, who keeps me on my toes, and reminds me to stop moving from time to time, to give her plenty of attention.

June 10, 2024

Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday, June 10, 2024

Tonight's picture was taken in June of 2006. It was not unusual for us to go to Roosevelt Island on the weekends. We explored the Island in all seasons and LOVED it. I can't tell you how many times we crossed this bridge as a family and then as a couple after Mattie died. To me this is a special place filled with the spirit of our lives together. 

Quote of the day: And they can’t understand, what hurts more—missing the other person, or pretending not to. ~ Khadija Rupa

This morning I got up at 5:15am. I needed to get up at that hour in order to make everything run smoothly. I had a dentist appointment in the city, but before I got get to the appointment, I had to get my dad up, showered, dressed, downstairs for breakfast and then to his memory care center. It is hard enough to manage him, but I also have to herd my mom in the morning. She can easily lose track of hours of time! When I tell you this is my daily stress, I am not kidding. I can never just be responsible for myself. It is like caring for two toddlers 24/7, except my parents are both in their 80s and unlike a toddler, my two will not grow, mature, and become more independent. 

Though I live outside the beltway of the National Capital Area, I still drive back into the city for certain things, like my dentist. I have been going to the same dental practice since I was in my 20s! I practically grew up with this practice and in my opinion, it is worth the trip. The office is high tech, up on the latest techniques and practices, and above all they are VERY patient centered! I have yet to meet one person in the practice that needs a talking to, and if you know me, then you know this is the highest of compliments. I attribute this to the office being very well managed. 

The dental assistant helping me today is a love. I actually met her in June of 2020, when I had to get crowns on my teeth, post root canals. She remembered me and I remembered her. Why? Because we both share the same philosophy in life. We try to put others first and live our lives guided by compassion, kindness, and advocating for others. Any case, we had a great time chatting today, until I was numbed out with Novocain. At my last cleaning, my dentist warned me about one of my old silver filings. He felt that it was corroding and recommended I do something now. I learned the hard way that when your dentist tells you to replace a filling, you should do it and NOT put it off. I put changing the filings off in three of my teeth, and therefore needed three root canals in 2020. Which is why when he mentioned this to me in April, I booked today's appointment to get the filing replaced. Fortunately I did because he said this was a candidate for either decay or nerve damage. Just so you know, leaving silver fillings in too long has been shown to cause corrosion, micro-fracture, deep decay, nerve damage and cracked teeth. When an old silver filling loses its seal or begins to chip, bacteria can seep under the edges.

While in the city today, I drove past where I used to live. Not on purpose, it was just on the way to the dentist office. I also had to cross through the George Washington University campus. These are places I spent SO MUCH of my life. Now that I look at these places, it almost seems like these experiences happened to a different Vicki. Not the Vicki I am today. Life looked so different from me when I was a grad student and when I lived in the city. The city is where I raised Mattie, where I lived for over two decades with my husband, and where my family seemed intact, loving, and we were committed to one another. I do not know who this current Vicki is, but I wish I could snap my fingers and return to the way things used to be. I can't tell you how disorienting my life is, everything that I once knew to be true, ISN'T!

When I eventually got home today, there was a message awaiting me on my home phone! What was it about? My Prolia bill! The infusion center wants to get paid for my March injection. Of course they do, but I am NOT paying that bill until my co-pay goes through. For over a month, I have been fighting to get the $1,500 co-pay back on my card. It was accidently sent to the specialty pharmacy I used in the past to fill this prescription. However, I opted to change where I got this shot and this change has caused havoc. I have actually found a loop hole in the co-pay system. So now I have Amgen and the specialty pharmacy trying to work out the error. Meanwhile as they figure this out, I have the infusion center waiting to get paid. Any case, I was on the phone again with Amgen this evening for an hour! I worked with a senior rep who was lovely. She and last week's rep, escalated my compliant up the leadership ladder and they are investigating my claim. In any case, the rep promised to call me back next Friday with an update. I hope they work this out, because I am rapidly becoming exhausted from fighting the system! I have kept copious notes on this process, so when I talk to someone at Amgen, I can cite dates, issues, discussions, and resolutions. 

Three things I am grateful for:

  1. My dentist office. It is so refreshing to be surrounded by people committed to patient centered care. Despite all the drilling, I was very relaxed in the chair and for an hour I did not have demands, needs, and issues to resolve. 
  2. No traffic. I drove all over the place today, and was even able to drive to pick up Mattie Miracle mail! I have to time picking up Foundation mail with when I am physically closer to the city. Unfortunately the Foundation's mailbox is closer to where I used to live, than where I live now. 
  3. My mom and I went out for tea today. I was able to convince her to sit outside (something I love), rather than inside in air conditioning, which isn't good for her. My mom and dad for the most part dislike sitting outside. They are both afraid of getting insect bites. My dad got a mosquito bite two days ago, and I can't tell you the hell he is putting me through. I literally have to wrap his arms up to try to prevent him from scratching and causing an infection. Because of his dementia, my dad will just scratch and scratch and he can't process the damage he is doing to his skin. 

June 9, 2024

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Tonight's picture was taken in June of 2007. Mattie was five years old and that Memorial Day weekend we drove to Pennsylvania to take Mattie to Dutch Wonderland. Along the way we went to a train museum. What I love about this photo was Mattie was already more than half my height. Therefore, I would have to imagine that as he aged, he was going to be tall. Prior to having Mattie in my life, trains did not catch my attention. They weren't necessarily on my radar scope. However, once I became Mattie's mom, my interest in all things with wheels increased exponentially. Mattie opened up a whole new world to me!

Quote of the day: So here’s the thing with broken hearts. No matter how you try, the pieces never fit the way they did before.~ Arianapoetess

Sometimes I feel like the Jerry Seinfeld of the blog world. Those of you old enough to remember the show Seinfeld, know that the joke about his shows, was that it was a show about NOTHING. Of course that wasn't exactly true, it was a show that talked about everyday issues, occurrences, and happenings in one's life. Things we all can relate to, which I suspect is what made the show hugely successful. 

Certainly there are things that I write about like Mattie's illness and death, that will NEVER apply to everyone reading along with me (thankfully!). Though the issues I write about maybe unique to me, the feelings and thoughts I express, are actually very universal. I imagine this maybe why I have readers following along with me now for 16 years! Sixteen years of daily writing! NOT ever missing one day of writing! I happened to check the stats of the blog this week, and was taken aback by the fact that 500 people are reading the blog daily and thousands of people check into the blog monthly. I don't know what to say? Other than THANK YOU! 

Thank you for being interested in my life, in Mattie's memory, and being on this long journey of loss and trauma with me. I may not know you, like you know me, but I am moved to see that what I am writing may resonate with you. I remember a few years after Mattie died, my dad was on my case. He saw NO POINT in me writing the blog. Instead, he wanted me to devote that time to writing a book instead. I understood his perspective, but he never could understand mine. 

As I told him back then, the blog is therapeutic for me. It provides me with an outlet to express my thoughts and emotions. Some days I have a lot to say, other days, I still have a lot to say, but do not post it publicly. I am not sure what I would have done all these years without the blog. It helps me remain connected with Mattie, to actively share memories and introduce him to others who never met him. Losing a child has many complexities. One of the things that adds to this complexity is time. Time plays tricks on my brain, on my ability to remember the intricacies and nuisances of Mattie. Sharing a bit of Mattie each day on the blog, enables me to keep his presence forever fresh on my mind. 

Did my dad have a point? Should I have devoted the time to write a book, rather than write the blog? Maybe. Certainly I would have had a tangent product and legacy item to capture Mattie's life. However, I am not dead yet, and perhaps there will one day be a book in my future. But for now, I work through my multiple losses and traumas through writing. 

I could ask, WHY DO YOU READ? WHAT KEEPS YOU COMING BACK? I do not know these answers, but what I do know is that if you read my writings daily that means you yourself are willing to be vulnerable, or feel vulnerable yourself. Maybe you are thinking if I can survive the multiple traumas life has dished out on me, so can you! 

I am lucky to have you as a reader. Thank you for wanting to hear about my life, to see my photos, and occasionally share with me their own thoughts and insights. Any case, when I think about the three things I am thankful for today I would say:

  1. Being Mattie's mom! 
  2. Mattie's blog readers.
  3. The blog and having an outlet to write, express, and work through the challenges I face each day.