Saturday, May 27, 2017
Tonight's picture was taken in May of 2008. We took Mattie to Calvert Cliffs in Maryland that weekend. This is a fascinating nature center, because you literally have to walk over a mile through the woods to get to the Bay. The wonderful part about this beach is that if you dig through the sand you can find fossilized shark teeth. You have to spend some time digging, but each time Mattie visited this beach he was always successful. In fact, Mattie kept a bag of his collected sharks teeth in the kitchen. Our visit there was always a full day endeavor of walking in the woods, time looking for sharks teeth, a picnic on the beach and then a walk back to the car through the woods.
Quote of the day: Good order is the foundation of all things. ~ Edmund Burke
In the process of going through bins in our large closet, I came across this laminated 8x10 sign. This was what signage looked like at our first Foundation Walk in 2010. Compare it to below.
This was one of our posters at this year's Walk. It highlights our supporters. So we have moved away from the one sheet of paper to now a large 2 foot x 3 foot poster.
We are fortunate that our complex provides us storage for all our Walk items for free. Peter and I went through all our posters and created an inventory for each of our six large boxes. However, because these boxes are going into the basement, they need to be wrapped in utility strength plastic to keep them from getting damaged. It was a large and heavy task which took hours!!!
Literally we were living in a warehouse for over two weeks. Boxes, bins, posters, carts.... you name it, we had it!
In the distance you can see our six boxes of posters. In the lower left corner of the photo are some of our corn hole boards. Each of them had to be wrapped in heavy plastic. If I don't see this plastic any time soon, I will be thrilled!
More corn hole boards!
These bins are filled with 5,000 colorful cups. We use the cups at the Walk to visually indicate the number of laps walked.
Once all the items were packed, we loaded them on carts and brought them to storage. We can't get over how much space we have at home now that all these materials are gone.
This was the morning activity. The afternoon activity involved putting away all the Walk materials we had on our second floor in our walk in closet. That may sound easy but that was another labor intensive task, which I am happy to have behind us!
Tonight's picture was taken in May of 2008. We took Mattie to Calvert Cliffs in Maryland that weekend. This is a fascinating nature center, because you literally have to walk over a mile through the woods to get to the Bay. The wonderful part about this beach is that if you dig through the sand you can find fossilized shark teeth. You have to spend some time digging, but each time Mattie visited this beach he was always successful. In fact, Mattie kept a bag of his collected sharks teeth in the kitchen. Our visit there was always a full day endeavor of walking in the woods, time looking for sharks teeth, a picnic on the beach and then a walk back to the car through the woods.
Quote of the day: Good order is the foundation of all things. ~ Edmund Burke
Peter and I spent the ENTIRE day organizing and then storing all our Walk materials. Literally we had piles of things on two levels. It was disconcerting to me! But literally we are so exhausted from the Walk that a full day of this today wasn't really what we needed. Nonetheless, it had to get done. There is something to be said to tonight's quote. I do believe that being organized helps to run our Foundation as well as this large event.
This was one of our posters at this year's Walk. It highlights our supporters. So we have moved away from the one sheet of paper to now a large 2 foot x 3 foot poster.
We are fortunate that our complex provides us storage for all our Walk items for free. Peter and I went through all our posters and created an inventory for each of our six large boxes. However, because these boxes are going into the basement, they need to be wrapped in utility strength plastic to keep them from getting damaged. It was a large and heavy task which took hours!!!
Literally we were living in a warehouse for over two weeks. Boxes, bins, posters, carts.... you name it, we had it!
In the distance you can see our six boxes of posters. In the lower left corner of the photo are some of our corn hole boards. Each of them had to be wrapped in heavy plastic. If I don't see this plastic any time soon, I will be thrilled!
More corn hole boards!
These bins are filled with 5,000 colorful cups. We use the cups at the Walk to visually indicate the number of laps walked.
Once all the items were packed, we loaded them on carts and brought them to storage. We can't get over how much space we have at home now that all these materials are gone.
This was the morning activity. The afternoon activity involved putting away all the Walk materials we had on our second floor in our walk in closet. That may sound easy but that was another labor intensive task, which I am happy to have behind us!