Quote of the day: "And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." ~ Abraham Lincoln
I decided to join the land of the living today. My head still feels like a watermelon, and I am quite congested and can't hear out of my ears still, but I am ramping up to functioning solo by day next week. I am so thankful to Peter and proud of him. He handled everything this past week, everything from Mattie's care to looking after me, which isn't easy to do. There is a special place for him in my book!
Mattie requested that Caroline, his piano teacher, come visit him today. Mattie loves Charlie Brown's Christmas movie, and he especially likes the music in the movie. Starting with "Oh Christmas Tree." Mattie was determined to learn how to play this song on the piano. I gave Caroline a heads up, and today she came with Christmas music books in tow. While Caroline was visiting, JP (our neighbor) came over to visit and brought us all pizza. Mattie took a piece of pizza with him as he sat down next to his keyboard to play. Thank you JP for the wonderful pizzas! While Caroline and Mattie were working together, I went upstairs to contend with Mattie's bedroom. Peter convinced Mattie today that the HUGE tent in his room had to come down. Thank GOD for miracles. The tent was so big, that I couldn't get in the room, and forget about opening up a closet door. So today, we reclaimed a room in our house. While Mattie was learning "Oh Christmas Tree," I was moving like the wind to reorganize his room and to put some of our Christmas things away. So it was a productive afternoon. Thanks Caroline for this time!
We want to thank the Putnam family for supplying us with lunch and dinner today. That was so generous of you. Mattie loved his Bear Rock lunch as well. So he had two lunches today, which is excellent. The brownies were truly a special treat. Nothing like caramel and chocolate! We enjoyed our chinese food dinner as well, and appreciate you thinking about our meals today.
Later this afternoon, we took Mattie for a walk at Huntley Meadows, which is in Alexandria. This preserve is lovely because it has a very special boardwalk that loops around a wetland area where you can always see some wonderful birds. We saw plenty of Canadian Geese today. Which are one of our favorites. I personally admire their team work, their ability to vocalize together, their commitment to each other in that no bird is ever left alone if hurt, and their beautiful V formations when they fly. Peter captured some of the sights we saw today.
When we got home we got to see JJ (our resident Jack Russell Terrier). Mattie is enjoying his time with JJ, and we are enjoying seeing what JJ is learning in school. JJ is learning the sit and lie down command very well. As we head into the night, Mattie is slowing down and watching a movie now. He had a productive day and Peter and I are talking with him about allowing others into his life. I know he is hearing me, and hopefully in time he will allow others to play and be with him without Peter and I having to be around.
I received three e-mails that I wanted to share with all of you. I was so happy to read that Bing Crosby's "Swinging on a Star" made an impression on you too. Thank you for writing me and letting me know that. Danelle (a friend and RCC mom) wrote, "I wanted to tell you that I clicked on the Youtube link with Bing Crosby tonight and Nicholas (who turned 2 last month) heard it, stopped playing and came over to the computer. He laid his head down on me and listened to the song. It was too cute. So…thanks! You provided me with an extra little cuddle from my very busy 2 year old. I might have to rent some Bing Crosby movies and see if it works again! ;-)"
The second e-mail comes from our family friend, Janie, who lives in California. Janie wrote, "Here I am once again on the first day of 2009 reading Mattie's Blog and wishing that I could walk into this wonderful world of electronics reach out and give you, Peter, and Mattie a BIG HUG. I want you to know that I try not to miss a night, because I know that like today you will soon be reporting more positive things happening in your lives. I wish this had never happened...I remember you as a little girl...and how much Grandma loved you all. I remember how unhappy you were coming to California. You were a vision of beauty on your wedding day and Sandy and I were so happy to hear that you had a little boy. Mattie's life has been blessed with a Mom and Dad who monitor his every breath and Grandparents who love all three of you. We, often do not understand why these things happen, especially to children, but I know in my heart that Mattie will one day stand above all of this. Your Blog is a tribute to you, Mattie, and Peter as well as those who surround you with their love and prayers, even though they are not nearby. Your every word catches the heart as well as the mind. We, your readers, feel....deeply.....keep putting your heart into your blog. One day Mattie will realize what a wonderful Mommy and Daddy he has, I would guess he already does."
The third e-mail comes from another family friend who wrote, "I wanted to say how powerful it was to read about what you were dealing with in the hospital when I visited early last week. I could tell that something was not right with Mattie’s medications but obviously did not know the extent of it. Watching you in action and then reading about it later confirmed what an extraordinary mom you are. Mattie is so fortunate to have you keeping a watchful eye on things and going to bat for him each and every day. On the blog you have mentioned several times your hope about what others may gain and learn from everything that your family is facing. I could go on and on about what I personally gain, but one thing is surely what true love and devotion looks like from a mother to her son. I feel so lucky to know such a wonderful family."
On the electronic front, we want to thank Karen, Grammie, and Brian Boru for their great e-cards. We also want to thank Rev. Beales at SSSAS for her wonderful snowman postcard. Thanks for praying for Mattie each week in chapel. That means a great deal to our family and we certainly know God works in mysterious ways.