Quote of the day (Thanks Charlie!): "Life is a roller coaster ride, Time Turns the Wheel and Love Collides, Faith is believing you can close your eyes and touch the sky, So Shine while you have the chance to shine, Laugh even when you want to cry, Hold on tight to what you feel inside and ride..." ~ from the song "Ride" by Martina McBride
I included the link to the "Ride" video. I love the story going on in the background of this music video. Everyone can relate to being in a traffic jam, which is why this video caught my attention. Life has many roller coaster rides, or unexpected turns. These events may not be what we wished for or hoped to happen, however we don't want these to be missed opportunities to learn from, to grow, and to open our hearts to those around us.
Peter told me that Mattie fell asleep at around 10:30pm on Friday. That is no surprise, since he had an extremely exciting and active day! Peter was up every two hours helping Mattie to the bathroom, and capturing urine for analysis. I on the other hand had the luxury of another night at home, while Peter stayed with Mattie. When I got back to the hospital today, I couldn't get over Mattie's room. It was packed with birthday gifts and a ton of balloons. The nurses couldn't get over it! It made for a very interesting moving out day!
Mattie had several visitors today. Thank you Tamra and Louise for stopping by and dropping off a gift from Coach Holm (the head football coach at SSSAS, and a major Mattie supporter) and his family. The gifts and cards were so meaningful. We want to thank Tamra for the special cupcakes too! They helped to really celebrate Mattie's birthday today! Mattie loved them. Mattie's second visitor was Erin. Erin is one of our fabulous HEM/ONC nurses. You may recall that Erin has a deal going with Mattie, Mattie gives her hugs, and she gives Mattie empty syringes to spray water at people. Erin came in to see Mattie, mind you today was her day OFF! Can you imagine someone coming to her workplace on her day off?! It speaks to the caliber of the HEM/ONC nurses at Georgetown, and their commitment to their patients. We want to thank Erin for the Cars puzzle and the "Incredibles" movie (which Peter and Mattie are watching as I type this blog!).
Mattie's third visitor was his technology teacher at SSSAS, Mary D. Mary came to the hospital today to spend time with Mattie. It was very funny. At first Mattie did not recognize Mary. Why? Because Mattie is used to seeing Mary dressed in her professional clothes. Today she was dressed more casually, and it was hysterical to watch Mattie studying her face. He finally put it together, and was thoroughly animated. He couldn't wait to show Mary his T-Rex model (which is literally almost 4 feet long) and some of the lego sets he put together from his birthday party! One of his favorite sets was given to him by Miki (another outstanding HEM/ONC nurse of Mattie's). Mary and Mattie had a great time together, and also watched the movie, "The Land Before Time." This seemed like a fitting to watch, especially when you have a four foot long dinosaur model in your room!
While Mary was with Mattie, Peter and I started taking things down to the car. After our initial load, we had lunch on campus and sat outside in the hospital rose garden. It was another windy day here in DC, but it was a warm wind, that made being outside lovely. While eating we sat under a glorious cherry tree. The blossoms are in full bloom in DC. I feel the cherry blossoms are one of the many perks about living in Washington, DC. I can't think of a more glorious way to welcome spring into our world. Peter took some beautiful pictures of these blossoms.
When Peter and I got back to Mattie's room, he was having a good time with Mary. I so appreciate Mary's generosity of time and spirit. She is a special lady, who understands the impact Mattie's illness is having on Peter and I and she wanted to give us some time with each other. Very thoughtful! Mary has a long work week, was recently married, and yet always finds time for Mattie. The world would be better if it had more Mary's in it!
At around 3pm, we started the discharging process. Mattie's nurse, Nguyet (another fabulous HEM/ONC nurse, who we only see on weekends) assisted us. It is funny, we only see Nguyet on occasion, since we are not always in the hospital over the weekends. Yet one of the last weekends we were at the hospital, Nguyet and I had a chance to chat. She told me how impressed she was with us, what a dedicated family we are, and how lucky Mattie is to have us as parents. She told me this, because she thinks that Mattie's recovery is in part linked to our steadfastness. Nguyet's comments meant a great deal to me, and I haven't forgotten them! Once Nguyet discharged us, we then had the fun of packing up the cars. The discharging process is always a battle. Mattie wants to help us bring things down to the car, and it becomes a royal balancing act trying to push a wheelchair and cart things out to the parking garage. Normally we talk him out of helping. However, today Mattie was insistent, and against my better judgment, I took him down, he was holding his large balloons, and I was trying to push him and a piece of luggage. That did not work out too well, and with the wind, Mattie lost one of his favorite LARGE balloons. I suppose this was a lesson to Mattie, that perhaps he needs to listen to us in the future when we tell him he needs to be patient and wait until the packing process is done. But I do feel for him. He wants to help, participate, and do things that he used to be able to do. I don't want to squelch that! My intentions were there, but the execution wasn't, and it only led to everyone getting frustrated!
When we got home, I had a TON to unpack. Bags and bags of presents, with literally NO room at home to put them. The lack of organization and things piling up seems to go hand in hand for osteosarcoma families. We are rarely home, or have the time to care for what is going on at home. I am the kind of person who needs organization in one's life, so I can assure you this lack of structure and organization can become overwhelming to me at times. But at this point this is low on my energy and priority list. Mattie was excited to be home, because there were more presents that came in the mail for him to open. He is slowly opening them up, he hasn't finished yet! I would like to note that Mattie's head of school, Joan Holden sent Mattie several wonderful "bug" presents. Right up his alley! We also want our readers to know that we congratulate Joan for being this year's Washington Post recipient of the Outstanding Educational Leadership award. Joan has been the head of St. Stephen's/St. Agnes school for 25 years, and we can't thank her enough for her support of Mattie this year. We have experienced how her leadership of the school community has and continues to assist a student under the most challenging of circumstances.
This evening I also did laundry and then packed up our hospital bag. You just never know when we will be headed back there, and if Mattie should get sick, things need to be in order. It is definitely an interesting way to live one's life.... out of a suitcase, packing and unpacking constantly. While I was doing the laundry and packing up, Peter had a FULL afternoon of playing with Mattie. If Mattie's cancer does not suck the life out of Peter and I, then we know that Mattie's constant need to play will.
Mattie received MANY electronic birthday cards today. Mattie sat on my lap and saw each card and loved all the sentiments. I can't thank all of you for remembering Mattie's birthday through e-mails, e-cards, phone calls, and gifts! This helped to make his day very special!
I want to end tonight's blog with three messages. The first message if from my friend Charlie. Charlie wrote, "Wow, Friday certainly was the proverbial roller coaster ride as compared to the day before. What a great day for Mattie and how wonderful to see the smiles and joy of Mattie and all his friends and supporters! And speaking of supporters, what an amazing outpouring of help, support, thoughtfulness and caring from all those people, the nurses, therapists, friends, RCC and SSSAS parents, the list goes on. I am not sure that I have ever seen so many people dedicated to helping one child make the most of every moment possible. Mattie and you have the ability to bring out some of the most caring and loving responses in people- a great gift on your side. I hope the rest of the ride brings you much more sunshine than rain and that the rain showers end with rainbows."
The second message is from my cousin and Godmother, Rosalinda. Rosalinda wrote, "I pray for all of you daily. Vicki, Mattie is extremely fortunate to have parents like you and Peter in his life. I have read all of the caring professionals who touch Mattie’s life on a daily basis and I pray for them, too.
I came across the following prayers and these are my prayers to them:
Dear Lord we thank you for doctors and nurses and all who work in hospitals. May they continue to use their knowledge and skills to bring comfort and ease to all those who suffer from cancer. Lord, be with all carers who spend days and years working to bring relief to those with cancer. At times they see recovery which is wonderful but there are times when the results of treatment are disappointing – please give them strength and hope and the love to carry on Lord, in your mercy (Hear our prayer)
Dear Lord we bring before you today those who devote their lives to research into the causes of cancer trying to find a cure. Help them to do their work successfully and to share their knowledge to the benefit of all who wish to see the ravages of this terrible disease ended. Be with them at all times to guide and strengthen them in their constant search for the knowledge that will finally see an end to the suffering and heartache caused by cancer. Lord, in your mercy (Hear our prayer)"
The final message is a quote I received today from my dad. I have definitely seen the power of laughter on Friday! Against the assault of Laughter nothing can stand. ~ Mark Twain
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