Mattie's Cancerversary.... a date that will forever be burned into our minds.
Quote of the day: "Any man can be a father, but it takes a special man to be a daddy." ~ Anon
Today marks the one year anniversary that Mattie was first diagnosed with Ostesarcoma. As I mentioned before, both Vicki and I hold this date in their minds. It was on July 23, 2008, that we first were told of Mattie's illness.
So one may ask what is a cancerversary. It's an important date in any one's struggle with cancer. For us, seeing our six year-old son, the picture of perfect health, suddenly and certainly struck down with a life threatening illness was a turning point, and a forever changing moment in our lives. Our boy was from that point, different, challenged, impaired and on a course that threaten his sweet life.
My heart has been heavy all week, no, make that heavy all month as we move one more day away from the cancer fighting chemo that we have come to rely on for so many months to help us in this battle against Mattie's disease. It's a thought that perpetually plagues me during my waking and non-waking hours. It's a question and a doubt, and most brutally a vicious presence that never, ever goes away, no matter where you are or what you do. No matter how special and wonderful a moment may be, it is there, watching us and waiting....
It comes down to this: there is a killer running amuck in our child's body. A killer so insidious, so deceiving and so vicious that nothing can stop it or even apparently touch it. This situation leaves us feeling helpless, hopeless, and powerless.
Mattie had a great PT session today. Yesterday, I asked Anna to move Mattie's 3pm session today to 11am since Mattie had an afternoon clinic and MTP administration session planned. Typically when he gets MTP he cannot do his PT. So this morning I schlepped my parents and Mattie to PT and it was a wonderful session. Anna is such a gifted and special therapist, and I want to congratulate her on passing the Boards for being a certified Pediatric PT. She is truly one of our Georgetown stars and Angels on the ground!
Okay, I couldn't resist (I am having blog withdrawal), Peter's mom took some great pictures today, and Peter was too tired to post them, so I logged back on to attach them! Enjoy!
Left: Mattie balancing on a board that in the past deathly frightened him. Anna and I have tried to get Mattie on this before, but apparently Peter's presence was needed to build up Mattie's courage.
Right: Mattie and Peter having a tug of war on scooters!
Left: Mattie using his arms. Anna is on the scooter, and Arlet (a PT assistant) is spotting Mattie.
Right: Mattie is throwing heavy weight balls at Anna. Got to loves Anna's expression as she is getting hit with these balls!
I forgot to mention that in passing through the halls of Georgetown I bumped into several personnel that we have come to know and in some cases, consider part of our family. We saw Jey, Mattie's CT buddy and a true friend standing by one of the elevators. Jey has and continues to always be there for us, and his presence makes everyone just that much more comfortable.
The real treat today was clinic, and Mattie was all geared up for it, because somehow he knew that his buddies Brandon and Jocelyn would both be there, and as usual these two did not disappoint. Jocelyn and Brandon both greeted Mattie with loud roars of welcome and comforting ways, such that Mattie instantly forgot about me, my parents, and just about everyone else in the clinic, and focused on Jocelyn and Brandon. Mattie was COMPLETELY engrossed the entire day with their play, which made things very easy for me. Mattie, Jocelyn, and Brandon had their boat race rematch. Check out the boats, the fact that Mattie is standing, and is using his arms in incredible ways. Anna came up to the clinic to celebrate "Sarcoma Day" and was thoroughly impressed with what she saw Mattie doing.
Towards the end of the afternoon, Mattie started shutting down due to a reaction to MTP, which he had received earlier in the afternoon. We were shuttled off to a room and Dr. Gonzales came in to assess the situation. After a small fever, chills and irritability, Mattie rebounded and was ready to go home.
So I want to thank so many people today. I can see why Vicki considers the people, and not the place as the defining moment in our lives.
I want to thank the Isaacson's for a wonderful dinner. It was filled with treats, so thank you very, very much. We loved it all and value your support!
So I will say so long for now. God Bless Mattie and his Cancerversay today, and most importantly: thank You! for all that you do!
Vicki's friend, Charlie wrote, "I'm sure Wednesday was a tough and confusing day all around. Trying to balance work and Mattie's needs is a task for a high wire walker. I am always in awe of how you and Vicki seem to manage it. I am sure you feel torn no matter which one (work or Mattie's care) you are dealing with. It was great to see the photo of Mattie working on the parallel bars; he's come so far and yet I know he still has a long way to go. I am glad your parents are there to help out; hopefully this time will help Mattie build an enduring bond with them. Mattie is still in a pretty concrete stage of understanding; it might help if you sat down and explained how things are this week with work and perhaps even set an alarm clock so that he knows at what point you are "off work" and on "Mattie time". I hope the MTP infusion goes well on Thurs with as little reaction as possible. I know Vicki will be thinking about Mattie all through the day even though she can't be there."
I loved the pictures of Mattie. I don't know if you have made plans for Mattie's Make a Wish yet but I know a family who chose Legoland and were treated royally there.
My family is at a family cancer camp (the whole family goes together) this week and having a great time. The best thing about it is the fact that each kid has his/her own counselor who watches them a lot of the day so the parents get a break. Since Emma has special needs and is mainly wheelchair bound, the camp chose a volunteer for her counselor who is actually a special education teacher in real life. It works really well. You might consider looking at this sort of thing in your area.
Thinking of all of you as you experience this day. From the pictures, I think Mattie looks great. He has been through so much (as have you both) and I wish him a much better year ahead. His smile lights up a room doesn't it?
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