Tonight's picture was taken in June of 2004. During our drive up to Boston from DC, we stopped at a McDonald's. Mattie loved french fries and vanilla shakes. So we got these items for him and as you can see I was sitting in the back seat with him. If the three of us were in the car, I typically sat with Mattie in the back seat until he got older. Peter snapped this photo because something funny was said between him and me and Mattie was absolutely cracking up with laughter.
Quote of the day: Nothing is more contagious as an example. We never do great good or great evil without bringing about more of the same on the part of others. ~ Francois De La Rochefoucauld
A day never to be forgotten....... Seven years ago TODAY we learned that Mattie's cancer metastasized throughout his body and we went from actively fighting cancer, to finding a way to come to terms with the fact that he was dying!.
Four children a day in the US die from cancer. The medicine fails many of our children and the psychosocial ramifications of childhood cancer unfortunately do not end when the treatment does.
We remember always as Mattie's cancer and death guide our work and commitment to ensuring that psychosocial care is provided for all children with cancer and their families.
I entitle this photo, "Captain Mattie." Mattie loved boats and he would always tell people he was saving his money in a piggy bank to buy a boat! He wasn't talking about a toy boat, but a real boat with a motor.
We couldn't give him that as his last request but instead we got him all sorts of remote controlled boats that we placed in a kiddie pool on our deck and Captain Mattie directed their journey in the pool. Peter and Mattie building! I'm quite sure that in 2008 and 2009, we built every Lego kit possible!
Legos were Mattie's form of therapy! It helped us as a family have a productive diversion during very tumultuous times. It also helped us talk through different feelings while our hands and heads were engaged in building.
Mattie and me on Speedy Red! Speedy was Mattie's last wish... He wanted a ride on vehicle. I was afraid he wouldn't know how to drive the car or have the strength for that activity. After all Mattie was hooked up to oxygen and a pain pump!
Mattie took to driving like a duck to water! He just understood the mechanics of it all!
This afternoon, Peter and I went for a two mile walk. This is what we saw on our walk.......
I have always wanted to see an angel statue of hope inspired by Richard Evans book, The Christmas Box! We came across one today by happenstance. It was a Mattie sign to me as these statues are all across the country designed to help parents remember and honor their children who have died. A beautiful book, a beautiful statue and of course I remember my beautiful boy!
The bricks in front of this angel statue, have the names of local children who have died and left their families behind.
The back of the statue says.....
The Christmas Box, Angel of Hope
Dedicated in loving memory of all the precious children gone too soon.
Annual candlelight vigil December 6th at 7pm
Families clearly leave special stones by the statue. One said, "you are my sunshine" and another said, "hope." The statue is supposed to represent
hope to all parents who have endured the death of a child, it will be a
grave site for parents who don’t have one. It will be a symbol of hope, a place
to reflect, a place of healing and a special place for people to grieve.
Beauport, the Sleeper-McCann House, was the summer home of one of
America’s first professional interior designers, Henry Davis Sleeper. Perched
on a rock ledge overlooking Gloucester Harbor, Beauport became Sleeper’s
retreat, backdrop for entertaining, professional showcase, and an inspiration
to all who visited. After Sleeper’s death, Beauport was purchased by Mr. and
Mrs. Charles McCann, who left most of Sleeper’s arrangements and collections
The house has frequently been written about in books and magazines,
with the first major article appearing in House Beautiful in 1916. It has been
featured in such diverse publications as Architectural Digest, Country Living,
and The Boston Globe, and has been showcased on televisions programs such as
America's Castles.
Beauport, with its labyrinth of small rooms, layers of
objects, and false doors, is a playhouse and a place that exists as a dream.
The small rooms change shape, lead one to another without a quickly understood
plan or even a simple hallway. Each room shows the interior designer at play, mixing, as a
dream mixes, parts of history. Walking through, one catches hints of a deeper
psychological message: the closet-sized writing nook, the small bedrooms tucked
under the eaves, the unexpected windows. Beauport is a place of concealment and
The interior and exterior of the house contain Sleeper’s lifetime collection of curiosities, colored glass, folk art, china, and silhouettes in every nook and alcove. Each of the forty rooms is distinguished by a historical or literary figure, theme, color, shape, or object. No two rooms are the same, with each more visually dazzling than the last. The house is framed by newly restored Arts and Crafts-style terraces that include intimate garden rooms with dramatic views of the harbor.
Purple Cape Cod glass
What I loved about these rooms, was how each one seemed to draw you to the outside! There was always somewhere cozy you could sit and contemplate or conversate!
The bathroom associated with that bedroom.
The veranda, which was attached to the above bedroom. It was an amazing view of the Bay and you could see the sit of Boston in the distance!
Sleeper's library

This room sticks out in my mind for one particular reason. Through the windows you can see the neighbor's house, who were a married couple. Sleeper was close to the neighbors and when the husband died, Sleeper planted lavender bushes outside this window and also placed lavender glass on the window sills. This way, when the neighbor looked toward Sleeper's house, she could always be reminded that Sleeper had not forgotten his friend! Lavender was the color of mourning and in essence remembrance.
The outside beauty of the house!
You can see why this was the perfect places for a summer retreat and Sleeper entertained big wigs like the Dupont family and countless others!
1 comment:
Ken & I definitely have to go back to Boston! I need you to list all your adventures of just this week. I would want to start with THE ANGEL OF HOPE. All the rooms in the house sounded fascinating however one I would definitely want to,see would be the room with the LAVENDER WINDOWS. Your description of this room spoke to me.
I commented this morning on the pictures, you posted this morning of Mattie, you, Peter while noting the life changing reality of this date, 7 years ago. I thought about each picture several times today. I really loved each one. I was glad you put them on the blog tonight because my thoughts continued through the day about the story pictures tell of our life. Also what a picture can't show. I took long looks at each picture, seeing Mattie's precious smile, his head on your should sitting in Speedy Red, the obvious love and heartbreak in your eyes and Peter's despite the smiles. Remember, I Am an eye watcher! One sees much more from another's eyes than in their smile.
Thank you for sharing Mattie through all the photos, you took. I know I have thanked you in the past but the pictures, you chose today were the beginning of the time when picture taking of Mattie would end. I can't imagine the devastation you and Peter felt because even the thought of it as your friend, has no word appropriate enough!
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