Quote of the day: "No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow." ~ Proverb
Today was a busy day! As it was Wednesday, Mattie had the opportunity to spend part of his day with Whitney (one of Linda's former childlife interns). Whitney and Mattie had a wonderful time together building and playing trains. I introduce you to our newest version of the Empire State Building in our living room.
While Whitney and Mattie were having a good time together, I took Peter's parents out today to go antique shopping. We hit three stores and then had lunch. It is kind of funny, I know I am doing these activities, but I am so tired and stressed out about tomorrow, that everything is just hazy for me right now. Or maybe not enjoyable. I realized just how stressed out I am because I find I can't move my neck, and when Peter was driving the car tonight I was screaming in pain from my neck down through my back. I just can't handle this scan stress, and the irony is I better get used to it, because they aren't going away anytime soon.
When I got back this afternoon, I bumped into JJ (our resident Jack Russell Terrier) and JP. JP bought six dunkin donuts for Mattie. His favorites, vanilla frosted donuts. Mattie never disappoints, and gladly ate a donut. Thanks JP! When I entered our home, Mattie and Whitney were having a great time together. It is a blessing to be able to leave the house and know that Mattie is happy and having a good time. Whitney is so special to us. I then said good-bye to Whitney and I went to lie down for about 30 minutes before heading off to the circus. Two hours before the circus event today, I let Mattie know that Denise, our social worker, gave us five tickets. The tickets were very special, because they were in the Lexus Suite box at the Verizon Center. Mattie was very excited! I figured I would wait until the last minute to tell Mattie about the event, so as to not disappoint him in case he couldn't go.
Before we left for the circus, I got a text message from Brandon, Mattie's big buddy for Georgetown. It turns out that Brandon, his mom, and a friend were going to the circus tonight too! Just by happenstance! We were all so happy that we could see Brandon tonight, unfortunately though Brandon wasn't sitting in the box with us, so because of the size of the arena, Mattie never got to see him. We left Mattie with his grandparents in the box and Peter and I went down several floors to track down Brandon. Brandon had his clown hat and nose on and we found him immediately. Peter took a picture of us together. Brandon was kind enough to get a clown nose for Mattie too. Brandon knew Mattie wouldn't be able to get to the stage to pick up a nose so instead picked up a nose for Mattie! How thoughtful! But that is Brandon. He gives me hope in the next generation! I promised Brandon I would take a picture of Mattie with his clown nose. I think Mattie makes a great clown too. It was wonderful to see Brandon's mom, Toni tonight too. Another person I miss seeing at the hospital!
Peter and I got some things for Mattie to remember his trip to the circus. By the time we were finished with him, he was glowing. He wore light up sunglasses, he held a light up sword, and was holding a light up whirling elephant. I snapped a picture of Mattie with all these items. I thought it was priceless! The picture on the right features one the scenes from the circus this evening.
After the show was over, we dropped off Peter's parents at their hotel and said our good-byes. They are flying to South Carolina tomorow to visit a friend. Mattie enjoyed his visit with his grandparents and he was happy they could go to the circus with him. As for us, we are trying to wind down now after an evening of excitement. I know that tomorrow's scans weigh heavily on both Peter and I and either way, I can't wait for the day to be over with.
We want to thank the Bires family for a wonderful dinner tonight. Thank you for thinking of all of us. We appreciate your generosity! We also want to thank Charlie for her great care package to Mattie. Mattie loved the train and the bugs especially, and I of course love the chocolate!
I end tonight's blog with a message I received from my friend, Charlie. Charlie wrote, "How lovely that you got to spend part of Tuesday outside seeing the signs of spring returning. Just like the seasons turn and the world goes from grays and browns to greens and the signs of life renewed, I hope this foretells Mattie's return to the world of children-full of life, hope, vitality and color! I do hope he stays well enough to attend the circus on Wednesday evening. Hearing about Mattie able to take part in more normal events is great news for us and so motivating for him. I know that Thursday brings the scans and with them come hopeful thoughts but lots of anxiety too; know that your friends and family are with you on this, we are praying for the best possible outcome for Mattie."
1 comment:
I'm thinking of and praying for you all as you dive full throttle into scanxiety land tomorrow. Hang in there!
Love the circus and st. pat's day pics! Mattie is just glowing! I know you'll help him keep that light of his glowing no matter what the results show tomorrow.
Melissa Spriggs
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