Mattie Miracle Walk 2023 was a $131,249 success!

Mattie Miracle Cancer Foundation Promotional Video

Thank you for keeping Mattie's memory alive!

Dear Mattie Blog Readers,

It means a great deal to us that you take the time to write to us and to share your thoughts, feelings, and reflections on Mattie's battle and death. Your messages are very meaningful to us and help support us through very challenging times. To you we are forever grateful. As my readers know, I promised to write the blog for a year after Mattie's death, which would mean that I could technically stop writing on September 9, 2010. However, at the moment, I feel like our journey with grief still needs to be processed and fortunately I have a willing support network still committed to reading. Therefore, the blog continues on. If I should find the need to stop writing, I assure you I will give you advanced notice. In the mean time, thank you for reading, thank you for having the courage to share this journey with us, and most importantly thank you for keeping Mattie's memory alive.

As Mattie would say, Ooga Booga (meaning, I LOVE YOU)! Vicki and Peter

The Mattie Miracle Cancer Foundation celebrates its 7th anniversary!

The Mattie Miracle Cancer Foundation was created in the honor of Mattie.

We are a 501(c)(3) Public Charity. We are dedicated to increasing childhood cancer awareness, education, advocacy, research and psychosocial support services to children, their families and medical personnel. Children and their families will be supported throughout the cancer treatment journey, to ensure access to quality psychosocial and mental health care, and to enable children to cope with cancer so they can lead happy and productive lives. Please visit the website at: and take some time to explore the site.

We have only gotten this far because of people like yourself, who have supported us through thick and thin. So thank you for your continued support and caring, and remember:

.... Let's Make the Miracle Happen and Stomp Out Childhood Cancer!

A Remembrance Video of Mattie

September 30, 2023

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Tonight's picture was taken in September of 2006. Mattie was four years old and the beauty of Mattie was he wanted to be where ever I was! If I was working in the kitchen, so was he! As you can see, that day he brought his tinker toys right on in and built a structure and kept me company. We were like two peas in a pod, so when Mattie got diagnosed with cancer and then died, the best piece of me died along with him. I look at this photo tonight and wish I could transport myself back to this exact moment in time. Things were SO MUCH EASIER AND BETTER IN MY LIFE.

Quote of the day: Honest listening is one of the best medicines we can offer the dying and the bereaved. Jean Cameron

It was a beautiful weather day! After I got my parents settled this morning, I went outside with a big garbage bin and started weeding. I was out there for two hours and looked like a weed myself after I finished. But I enjoyed the outdoor time, time with Sunny in tow, and cleaning up flower beds. I love to be surrounded by greenery and beauty. 

I notice a massive decline in my dad for the last two weeks. He is moving much slower and now is completely incontinent to bowels. I took them out for a late lunch today and the server who knows us in Maryland, commended me for having the courage and patience to take my dad out. She sees me jumping up and down to the bathroom, managing him at the table, and collecting his debris and tissues. I have no idea why my dad's nose starts running and he gets congested every time he eats. But he does. Today I went through three packs of tissues. 

If the tissue issue wasn't bad enough then the bathroom routine would do most people in. I had my dad go to the bathroom before we got in the car to head to the restaurant. Then while eating he had to run to the bathroom. I had to completely change him. Once lunch was over, I packed everyone in the car and I was about to leave. I looked over at my dad and he was making that funny face. I knew..... he had to go back to the bathroom. So I re-parked the car, took my dad back into the restaurant to use the bathroom, and I had to change him yet again. Some people need exercise classes, I don't need them because I never stop moving!

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