Mattie Miracle Walk 2023 was a $131,249 success!

Mattie Miracle Cancer Foundation Promotional Video

Thank you for keeping Mattie's memory alive!

Dear Mattie Blog Readers,

It means a great deal to us that you take the time to write to us and to share your thoughts, feelings, and reflections on Mattie's battle and death. Your messages are very meaningful to us and help support us through very challenging times. To you we are forever grateful. As my readers know, I promised to write the blog for a year after Mattie's death, which would mean that I could technically stop writing on September 9, 2010. However, at the moment, I feel like our journey with grief still needs to be processed and fortunately I have a willing support network still committed to reading. Therefore, the blog continues on. If I should find the need to stop writing, I assure you I will give you advanced notice. In the mean time, thank you for reading, thank you for having the courage to share this journey with us, and most importantly thank you for keeping Mattie's memory alive.

As Mattie would say, Ooga Booga (meaning, I LOVE YOU)! Vicki and Peter

The Mattie Miracle Cancer Foundation celebrates its 7th anniversary!

The Mattie Miracle Cancer Foundation was created in the honor of Mattie.

We are a 501(c)(3) Public Charity. We are dedicated to increasing childhood cancer awareness, education, advocacy, research and psychosocial support services to children, their families and medical personnel. Children and their families will be supported throughout the cancer treatment journey, to ensure access to quality psychosocial and mental health care, and to enable children to cope with cancer so they can lead happy and productive lives. Please visit the website at: and take some time to explore the site.

We have only gotten this far because of people like yourself, who have supported us through thick and thin. So thank you for your continued support and caring, and remember:

.... Let's Make the Miracle Happen and Stomp Out Childhood Cancer!

A Remembrance Video of Mattie

January 31, 2023

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Tuesday, January 31, 2023 -- Mattie died 696 weeks ago today. 

Tonight's picture was taken in February of 2004. Mattie was almost two years old and whenever I see this photo I get a chuckle. Peter was trying to snap a photo of Mattie. Clearly, Mattie had other ideas. Whereas, I was sitting on the couch, looking wiped out. Mattie had two modes.... on and off. I remember Peter and I up at all hours and working the whole day away trying to raise Mattie. I said it then and I say it now, parenting was the toughest job I ever did. 

Quote of the day: Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security. ~ John Allen Paulos

Peter sent me this photo this morning from Boston! Yes that is snow. I am happy to report that he is back home this evening! Though I am sure coming home is not an easy transition given the chaos of our life. 

For anyone who grew up in the 70s, this photo needs NO explanation. It's Laverne and Shirley! Somehow these iconic shows that I grew up watching are no longer possible today! I know Peter told me that Cindy Williams died on January 25, but somehow it registered with me today. It is hard to see such an end of an era, when two great stars, who seemed larger than life, are now both dead. 

I think every young girl at the time could identify in some way with Laverne or Shirley, or at times both. Here were two women, who were the best of friends, trying to make a living, and trying to find their way in the world. Each week on TV they brought laughter, and at times sadness and reflection. They were one of the highest grossing TV shows and back then when regular TV channels were what most people had and watched, America was glued. This of course is a concept that doesn't apply to TV today, we have many more options and unlike when I was growing up, no one now says.... oh it's Thursday so the line up is..... 

With the introduction of cable and streaming, everyone watches whatever they want. Those options weren't true in the 1970s, but what was the result was that many of those shows influenced how we communicated with each other. 
I know when I went to school, there were kids who were imitating Fonzi from Happy Days (leather jacket, the thumbs up), Mork from Mork and Mindy (in fact there was a kid who would greet me each day with a mork hand shake!), and who could forget singing the opening theme song of Laverne and Shirley.... Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Hasenpfeffer Incorporated. We gonna make our dreams come true, doing it our way!

I think Cindy Williams' death points something out to me that is hard to grasp. Despite how much one does in this world, the memory and impact we can make are fleeting. How many kids today know who Cindy Williams was? Have they ever heard of Laverne and Shirley? I suspect the answer is very few! There are days, like today, that I can get down on myself. For my inability to get anything done, my inability to focus, to work, and basically feel like I am contributing to something bigger than myself. But then I step back and look at these icons. What they did for TV, for women in the industry, and how they influenced the lives of their viewers is tremendous. But at the end of the death, we all die, and this is the equilibrating factor. What keeps a memory alive are the lasting connections we make on this earth. Which is why as long as Laverne and Shirley viewers are alive, their contributions remain alive forever. 

Of course I feel this philosophy also applies to my Mattie, which is why for 15 years I have been writing this blog. I know all too well how easy it is to forget, and how much harder it is to remember the fine details. But these details do matter and they are important to me. 

Clips from Laverne and Shirley:

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