Thursday, March 20, 2025Tonight's picture was taken in March of 2007. Mattie was almost five years old. That spring break, we took Mattie on a trip to Key West, Florida. One of our adventures was to the aquarium. You will notice that Mattie and I were examining a horseshoe crab. Mattie was intrigued but was definitely NOT going to touch it! That was my job, which I must admit I wouldn't have touched this creature either, if Mattie wasn't with me. As his mom, I knew I had to model certain behaviors and since Mattie was a naturally curious fellow, I wanted to show him that it was okay to touch the crab, especially when the scientist was holding the crab's pointed tail.
Quote of the day: Kind words not only lift our spirits in the moment they are given, but they can linger with us over the years. ~ Joseph Wirthlin
Do you think a kind word or two can transform your day? I do! I know it can, as this morning, when I woke up and checked my email, I received a lovely message from a blog reader in Europe! She shared several reflections with me and at the end of her message she wrote..... "You are not alone." I don't know about you, but these four words are very powerful to me. They convey much more than the three words most people want to hear.... I love you. In some ways, "I love you" can be trite or said by rote! But "you are not alone," is intentional and conveys to me that I am being understood, heard, and supported.
Yes supported. Certainly this blog reader isn't next door, she is not even in this Country, yet given what she was writing, I could tell she follows my story, is absorbing it and through her words lent incredible support. I assure you I never felt this upbeat coming out of therapy. So I say to my European blog friend...... THANK YOU, your words are a gift!
This morning, when I got downstairs to make breakfast, I looked out the kitchen window and I noticed the garden fountain wasn't on. It goes on every morning at 8:33am, on the dot. It was 8:34am, and I panicked. Seriously you would be amazed what causes me to get stressed out. Any case, I checked the circuit breakers and they were fine. So I went outside to check the electric outlet. It too was fine. I did not have time to tinker with this as I had to finish my morning routine and get my dad up for his foot doctor appointment.
So I continued on with my chores. Before going upstairs to wake my dad, I went to the fountain one more time. This time I went to the fountain timer and switched it from timer to manual mode. At that point the fountain turned on. This told me that nothing was wrong with the fountain. So I cleaned up the timer and reset it and switched it back onto timer mode. Sure enough it worked. Let's hope that it automatically goes on tomorrow morning.
Any case, that was the second positive thing to happen today after receiving a beautiful email. Unfortunately my mom has developed a bad head cold, cough, and laryngitis. When she gets sick, she can be down for the count. Even though she wanted to go out today, I said no, that she had to rest. I made the right decision.
While at my dad's doctor appointment, I got a call from Richard. Recap, Richard is the raccoon expert helping me with Ricki! I have been working with Richard since Monday. Ricki the raccoon has caused absolute havoc in my shed. He has torn up everything, created a four foot hole in the shed, and let's not talk about the urine and feces everywhere. If anyone in my area has issues with wildlife like raccoons, I highly recommend VA Animal Control. Why?
Meet Ricki! They told me they were going to capture Ricki and sure enough! They know their stuff and came to the property each day with a different strategy to get Ricki into one of the three traps. Truthfully Ricki looks adorable, but if you could see the consequences of Ricki, you would think differently. Any case, Ricki was taken by Richard to a forest to hopefully live a happy and free life. Richard installed sheet metal on the walls of the shed and then he helped me by removing large items in the shed that had been decimated, such as old window screens, large pieces of wood, wire racks, and shelving. Truthfully these pieces were so big, I couldn't manage them myself. Richard and his colleague removed and disposed all of this for me! GOOD GUYS! Then after they cleaned out the big pieces, they removed all the feces and misted the entire interior with a disinfectant spray. I will give that time to work, and then it will be safe for me to go in and do more cleaning and reorganizing. So I view this as the third great thing for today!
Once I got my parents settled to relax this afternoon, I went out by myself! Truthfully a first! I wanted to give Jason (our favorite server at our local diner) a birthday card and gift. He takes incredible care of my parents and we were scheduled to see him today to celebrate his birthday. Given that my mom wasn't up to going out, I did not want to miss Jason's birthday. When I got to the diner and told Jason the story, he was so touched that I would make a special trip to see him when I was juggling so much. No matter how distraught I am, I hope I will always be able to step back and acknowledge the kindness of others around me!
After visiting with Jason, I then went to Sherwin Williams. Why? Well I wanted to get a can of paint to touch up a few of our walls. When I pulled things off the walls a few days ago, I also pulled off the paint. Going into Sherwin Williams was an interesting experience. Mainly because I was surrounded by contractors working projects. Any case the man behind the counter was super helpful. I explained what I was trying to do. Originally I thought getting a paint sampler can would suffice, but he alerted me that the quality of a sampler can is NOT as good as the actual paint itself. Fortunately I knew the paint color, as I picked it back in 2021! However, I did not know if the wall color was a flat or satin paint. So that led to more questions and the fellow pulled out a sampling pallet to show me the difference in sheen. Which confirmed that our paint has a satin finish at home. Truthfully what I have learned about being on my own is that it is okay to ask questions, to ask for help from people who have knowledge that I don't, and in the process I feel empowered to further help myself.