Saturday, November 9, 2019
Tonight's picture was taken on November 10, 2007. We took Mattie to the Veteran's Day parade in Washington, DC. Getting to the parade was super easy for us, as we could walk from our home to the parade route. Mattie enjoyed being a part of the event for a bit of time but then with crowds it got overwhelming. As Mattie was like me..... we both didn't like crowds.
Quote of the day: Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity. ~ Simone Weil
Tonight's quote is perfect! We were surrounded by incredibly generous people today. Some who know us and some who just learned about the Foundation. Peter and I were at the Candy Drive from 9:30am until 7pm. Actually we have been on site since the candy drive started on November 1! Throughout the day today, volunteers came in to help us process and sort through candy!
Volunteers came in waves and we could never have accomplished what we did today without them.
From left to right: Deana, her son Colin, my friend Junko, Ellie (Mattie's preschool friend), my friend Carolyn, Carolyn's son Gavin, and Vicki
Junko stayed until 7pm to help us. Which made a huge difference, as we were able to get much more done together. I asked Junko to stand by the boxes FILLED with bagged candy so you could see that we literally have candy over our heads.
Boxes, bins, containers! We are surrounded by candy. It is a massive undertaking, and we have to go back tomorrow to finish bagging the rest of the candy. We have two more deliveries tomorrow too. I wish I could say it was the end of the candy drive, but next week begin the deliveries. Which is equally taxing, because we commute all around the region and lift and carry candy.
Our friends at Take the Stage Performance Company sorted candy for us today. We enjoy our partnership together and to me this photo captures the great energy within the group.
Tonight's picture was taken on November 10, 2007. We took Mattie to the Veteran's Day parade in Washington, DC. Getting to the parade was super easy for us, as we could walk from our home to the parade route. Mattie enjoyed being a part of the event for a bit of time but then with crowds it got overwhelming. As Mattie was like me..... we both didn't like crowds.
Quote of the day: Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity. ~ Simone Weil

Volunteers came in waves and we could never have accomplished what we did today without them.
From left to right: Deana, her son Colin, my friend Junko, Ellie (Mattie's preschool friend), my friend Carolyn, Carolyn's son Gavin, and Vicki
Junko stayed until 7pm to help us. Which made a huge difference, as we were able to get much more done together. I asked Junko to stand by the boxes FILLED with bagged candy so you could see that we literally have candy over our heads.
Boxes, bins, containers! We are surrounded by candy. It is a massive undertaking, and we have to go back tomorrow to finish bagging the rest of the candy. We have two more deliveries tomorrow too. I wish I could say it was the end of the candy drive, but next week begin the deliveries. Which is equally taxing, because we commute all around the region and lift and carry candy.