Saturday, May 28, 2022
Tonight's picture was taken in May of 2007. Mattie was five years old and that weekend, we drove to Pennsylvania to take Mattie to Dutch Wonderland. It was a magical trip of firsts for Mattie, as this was his first time on amusement rides, particular rollercoasters. Along our journey, we stopped at the National Toy Train Museum. Mattie loved seeing all the displays and in one room, they had a tv camera and as you can see it captured both Peter and Mattie together. Naturally I felt the need to capture that as a photo. With Mattie, there were always adventures and he expanded my horizons, as I naturally gravitated to more traditionally girl focused activities. With Mattie, I quickly learned about cars, trucks, planes, trains, building things, and exploring nature.
Quote of the day: The phrase ‘Love one another’ is so wise. By loving one another, we invest in each other and ourselves. Perhaps someday, when we need someone to care for us, it may not come from the person we expect, but from the person we least expect. It may be our sons or daughter-in-laws, our neighbors, friends, cousins, stepchildren, or stepparents whose love for us has assigned them to the honorable, yet the dangerous position of caregiver. ~ Peggi Speers
I find I am so tired, that if I stop moving, I fall asleep. At 10pm, I headed upstairs last night in hopes of going to rest. However, we brought Sunny upstairs with us, as my thought was he would feel more secure near us. Especially since he received another dose of chemotherapy yesterday. Make a long story short, the change in routine, caused Sunny even more anxiety. By 12:30am, I gave up. I told Peter he had to carry Sunny downstairs, because I couldn't manage hearing Sunny pacing, panting, and non-stop licking of himself. All signs of anxiety. Ironically when Sunny went back downstairs, he did much better. But my goal was to be on hand if he had another uncontrollable bout of diarrhea and vomiting. Thankfully I think we have found an anti-emetic that works for him. I am hoping that is a trend. Nonetheless, we are both noticing that Sunny is losing weight, or at least looks thinner. I frankly am not sure it is weight loss, as much as disease progression. I would like to think that the chemo is doing its job and is decreasing the swelling we have noticed in his mid-drift area.
Apparently our backyard is a bee haven! Can you see all the pollen on this bee's legs? We have planted all sorts of wonderful and colorful plants in the backyard and it is definitely attracting attention.
This is a pin cushion flower. Once the purple pedals are gone, then the remaining flower really looks like an actual pin cushion.
Many of the flowers are in line with Mattie Miracle colors. We have some glorious roses, like this one in orange.
Even the dahlias are happy.