Saturday, August 18, 2018
Tonight's picture was taken in August of 2009. Mattie was home briefly and that day he wanted to play with his toy motor boat. So we inflated his kiddie pool on the deck and Captain Mattie did the rest. One of our supporters gave Mattie this captain's hat, and he loved it. When Mattie was well, he would always tell us that he wanted to save his money to buy a boat. He did not mean a toy boat either, he meant a real boat. The notion of a being on the water was exciting to Mattie.
Quote of the day: I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough, we must do. ~ Leonardo da Vinci
This was a sight that Mattie would have absolutely loved today. We had a freight train with 81 cars stop traffic. It was a real scene, as none of us could go anywhere for several minutes. I literally put the car in park and counted train cars. Which is how I can speak authoritatively about the count.
It was a busy day of chores. I leave on Tuesday and want to make sure that as much as possible can be completed, especially as it relates to huge items and more complicated logistics. I will be planting some items tomorrow morning before it gets too hot here. So I will be sure to snap some photos of the things I planted while here. But I am happy to say that all framed pictures are now up on the walls.
Tonight's picture was taken in August of 2009. Mattie was home briefly and that day he wanted to play with his toy motor boat. So we inflated his kiddie pool on the deck and Captain Mattie did the rest. One of our supporters gave Mattie this captain's hat, and he loved it. When Mattie was well, he would always tell us that he wanted to save his money to buy a boat. He did not mean a toy boat either, he meant a real boat. The notion of a being on the water was exciting to Mattie.
Quote of the day: I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough, we must do. ~ Leonardo da Vinci

It was a busy day of chores. I leave on Tuesday and want to make sure that as much as possible can be completed, especially as it relates to huge items and more complicated logistics. I will be planting some items tomorrow morning before it gets too hot here. So I will be sure to snap some photos of the things I planted while here. But I am happy to say that all framed pictures are now up on the walls.