Tonight's picture was taken in January of 2003. Mattie was nine months old and riding outside in our commons space with "tot wheels." Tot wheels was my life saver because Mattie wanted to move around and have the freedom to choose what and where he was going. As Mattie would steer this walker all over the place, he also would be pressing the horn and other buttons making a racket wherever he went. Noise never bothered me, as long as Mattie was happy and content.
Quote of the day: How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these. ~ George Washington Carver
Despite admiring George Washington Carver's quote, one thing is glaringly wrong with it.... he assumed that all people age. However, in our case, we have learned that getting and growing old is not something guaranteed to all of us. Anyone who has lost a child, understands this reality all too well. So how far one goes in life may not always depend on these most valiant qualities Carver talks about.
Peter and I were super busy today getting symposium folders put together, attendee name tags printed and in order, and the list goes on. This evening I am working with our symposium scientific chair to upload all the PowerPoint presentations onto my computer for Tuesday. Amazing how she can be in Philadelphia and I am in Washington, DC and we are working on this in tandem. As I look over the presentation slides the researchers are sharing with me, all I can say is it is amazing to see all this psychological content in one place and it is very exciting to imagine it being delivered to an audience next week.
I am signing off for the evening, as we have another full day of work ahead of us tomorrow. But we are definitely on track now, despite some set backs here and there.