Saturday, August 11, 2018
Tonight's picture was taken on August 8, 2009. I took a series of photos that day. We literally bought this ride on vehicle that day, dragged it upstairs, and Mattie watched Peter assemble it. After which Mattie wanted to ride it. Given that Mattie was connected to a pain pump and oxygen, I wasn't going to let him ride this car alone. I wasn't even sure he understood the concept of driving. So initially I rode in the passenger seat coaching him. However, the funny part about Mattie was he intuitively understood how to drive!
Quote of the day: Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little. ~ Edmund Burke
As I continue to go through things at my parent's house, I came across this framed photograph. I had to be Mattie's age, around 6 or 7 here. I was holding our family Siamese cat, Minx. Minx and I had a hot and cold relationship, which is why I am surprised he complied with me holding him for this photo.
When I looked at this photo what immediately caught my attention was the fact that Mattie looked so much like me.
Do you recognize this photo??? This was the house that The Brady Bunch was filmed at in 1969 to 1975. What I did not know was this house is quite close to where we used to live. Someone told us about it today, so we literally drove passed the house. I can't even remember how many times I saw the Brady Bunch, too many to count. I always pictured the house in my head and frankly when we saw it today, I did not recognized it!
This is what the house actually looks like now. To me it seems so different than what I remember. I literally drove right passed the house, and only because we had the address of the house, did we know where to stop. While we pulled over, there were about five other cars doing the same thing as us. Looking and taking a photo. The house even has a security guard outside of it. Why? Because the house was just sold to HGTV. Who plans on creating a show around renovating the Brady Bunch home.
The Los Angeles Times reports the house sold for $3.5 million, or $1.6 million more than the listing price of $1.885 million. The home was used for the exterior shots in the television show, with the interiors shot on a sound stage. HGTV is reporting that it will restore the house to its 1970's glory. Which is also intriguing since 1970's architecture, in my opinion, is not memorable.
Tonight's picture was taken on August 8, 2009. I took a series of photos that day. We literally bought this ride on vehicle that day, dragged it upstairs, and Mattie watched Peter assemble it. After which Mattie wanted to ride it. Given that Mattie was connected to a pain pump and oxygen, I wasn't going to let him ride this car alone. I wasn't even sure he understood the concept of driving. So initially I rode in the passenger seat coaching him. However, the funny part about Mattie was he intuitively understood how to drive!
Quote of the day: Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little. ~ Edmund Burke
As I continue to go through things at my parent's house, I came across this framed photograph. I had to be Mattie's age, around 6 or 7 here. I was holding our family Siamese cat, Minx. Minx and I had a hot and cold relationship, which is why I am surprised he complied with me holding him for this photo.
When I looked at this photo what immediately caught my attention was the fact that Mattie looked so much like me.

The Los Angeles Times reports the house sold for $3.5 million, or $1.6 million more than the listing price of $1.885 million. The home was used for the exterior shots in the television show, with the interiors shot on a sound stage. HGTV is reporting that it will restore the house to its 1970's glory. Which is also intriguing since 1970's architecture, in my opinion, is not memorable.