Sunday, August 28, 2016
Tonight's picture was taken in August of 2005. Mattie was visiting my parents in Los Angeles and experiencing floating in a swimming pool. Mattie was very cautious when it came to water, which was actually wonderful. Mattie was born with common sense. I never had to explain cleaning products to him (he seemed to know to avoid them because they were dangerous), and seemed to have an innate understanding for things that could potentially harm him. Though tentative about entering the water, Peter was persistent with Mattie, and tried to make the experience fun for him, which only further encouraged Mattie.
Quote of the day: Never let the fear of striking out get in your way. ~ Babe Ruth
After this show, we went out for an early dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. One I have been going to since I lived in LA. In a way we needed an escape and a nice dinner today after yesterday's very scary car accident right in our front yard. We are still recovering from this!!!
Tonight's picture was taken in August of 2005. Mattie was visiting my parents in Los Angeles and experiencing floating in a swimming pool. Mattie was very cautious when it came to water, which was actually wonderful. Mattie was born with common sense. I never had to explain cleaning products to him (he seemed to know to avoid them because they were dangerous), and seemed to have an innate understanding for things that could potentially harm him. Though tentative about entering the water, Peter was persistent with Mattie, and tried to make the experience fun for him, which only further encouraged Mattie.
Quote of the day: Never let the fear of striking out get in your way. ~ Babe Ruth
We saw the play today entitled, Calendar Girls. It was a screenplay by Tim Firth and Juliette Towhidi based on a true story of a group of Yorkshire women who produced a nude calendar to raise money for Leukemia Research under the auspices of the Women's Institutes in April 1999. In the screen play and movie the premise for these women taking off their clothes was to raise money for research. Though I have issues with that notion alone, today's play was even more ridiculous. The premise for taking off clothes was to raise money NOT for research but to purchase a couch for the family lounge in the hospital (in memory of John Clarke, the husband of one of the women in the Women's Institute which is a community based organization for women). This to me made NO SENSE!!! After all how expensive is ONE couch? They couldn't think of any other way to raise this money than to take their clothes off?!!! That to me leads me with a lot of questions.
Putting the story line aside, which was hard for me, since I work hard to raise money for childhood cancer.... I couldn't get passed the sights I was seeing before my eyes. What you see in the promotional photograph is what you see on stage and one woman in particular in this play I swear is an exhibitionist and I believe likes living without clothes more than with them on.
I have to tell you this play was so poorly executed and half of the theatre was sleeping! At the intermission, we all decided we couldn't sit through another act of this nightmare and left. We never do such a thing, so that is how bad it was. Tonight was the closing night of this show and yet from our perspective it looked like opening night in which the cast was still learning their lines.
After this show, we went out for an early dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. One I have been going to since I lived in LA. In a way we needed an escape and a nice dinner today after yesterday's very scary car accident right in our front yard. We are still recovering from this!!!
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