Tonight's picture was taken in September of 2007 at Redskins Park. At the time the Washington Nationals played in this park. This was before Nats Stadium was built. I frankly forgot all about our trip to the ballpark until I came across this picture. I even had to ask Peter about it. Peter received Nats tickets from his company, and apparently we took Mattie to see his first ball game. Mattie and I were both underwhelmed with sports, which is most likely why this most likely escaped my memory. But what stands out for me is the cap Mattie wore on his head in this picture. This cap is still in his room and thanks to this picture, I now know when and where we bought it for him.
Quote of the day: As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well used brings happy death. ~ Leonardo da Vinci
da Vinci wasn't only a brilliant artist, but as tonight's quote clearly illustrates, he had a profound understanding for life and death. It is never easy to accept the death of any loved one, however, a "life well used" does have the potential to produce "happy death." Or basically death without remorse and without regret for those left behind. The death of a child is NEVER a happy death, and it only signals a life cut short, one that wasn't well used, and a missed opportunity for the world. However in the end, the death of a child produces deep grief, and parents are left behind as shells of their former selves.
I went to visit Mary, Ann's mom, today at her assisted living facility. It was Shayla's (Mary's caregiver) birthday and we wanted to celebrate the occasion. Shayla cares for Mary daily and is a unique individual because she truly loves Mary. Yes it is her job to care for Mary, but you can't pay someone to truly care and feel connected to the person they are caring for. Shayla has worked with Mary for almost two years now, and over this time, Shayla has gotten to know most of Mary's family and friends, and in a way she has become an integral part of Mary's life. As Mary said today, "Shayla is my buddy." Here is an example to illustrate my point about Shayla. Yesterday I asked Shayla how she wanted to spend her birthday. I gave her several options. One of which was I would watch Mary, while she took some free time for herself (since she is a mom of three), or we could all go out to lunch, or we could bring lunch to the facility and eat lunch on the outdoor patio. Shayla chose the latter option, because she knew this would give us more time together and that other residents could be included in the festivities and be able to have cake. So in essence Shayla shared her birthday with others and made three residents very happy today. Ann brought this wonderful chocolate cake for Shayla, and I snapped a picture of Shayla and Mary together!
This evening, Peter and I sat outside and had dinner together. As always Patches was sitting on her own chair between us. She is definitely adjusting to being back home and loving her outdoor time. As we were sitting down to eat, I happened to look up by happenstance at one of our flower boxes. To my utter surprise, I found a hummingbird fluttering right over these flowers. He was so close I could practically touch him. I was stunned, but was able to point out this marvelous sighting to Peter. Peter saw the bird as well. So tonight, I was motivated to clean out my hummingbird feeders and refill them with fresh sugar water. I am happy that our little friend has come back this summer. I frankly can't understand his visits, since we are in the middle of the city, but he came last summer, and has returned once again to share his grace with us. This is a sighting Mattie would have most appreciated!
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