Saturday, January 5, 2025
Tonight's picture was taken in January of 2008. It is hard to believe that six months later Mattie was diagnosed with cancer. That weekend, we went for a walk in the woods. That was a typical occurrence for us, as Mattie loved being outside and exploring. It did not matter what the weather was like. If you look closely you will see that Mattie found a stick and was carrying it! Mattie enjoyed taking a piece of nature home with him practically on every walk. There was a time in which we had piles and piles of Mattie's collections outside by our deck. Everything from stones, pinecones, leaves, and of course sticks. The beauty of Mattie and his love for life was always transparent in everything he did.
Quote of the day: Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace. ~ Milan Kundera
I had cancelled my dad's physical therapy appointment for today, because he and my mom are dealing with colds. My notion was I would going to try to sleep later today, because every fiber of my being is wiped out. At 8am, my mom was outside my bedroom door.... knocking and in a panic. I seriously thought there was a medical emergency. When I told her to come in so I could hear what the problem was, she handed me her phone, as she got some sort of alert. Mind you I was half out of it. I grabbed her phone but I couldn't see the alert. With all the commotion, Indie came into the room and was walking all over the bed and all over me. It was clearly TIME FOR ME TO GET UP! It is hard to be jolted awake and to be the only one in the house who can make decisions and put out figurative fires.
My hope was I was going to work on putting Christmas decorations away today! It never happened. I had ordered supplies for my dad and they were delivered this morning. One of the boxes was as big as me! As I was bringing in all these boxes, I thought I saw something blond out of the corner of my eye. When I went to the window, I could see it was a dog.
Sometimes my neighbor's dog gets out and at first I thought it was her. But when I went outside, I did not see a dog. Then I thought.... okay, Vicki is losing it! She thinks she is seeing dogs! I shuck that notion away and started walking around our front yard. Sure enough I found an adorable Golden Retriever. I knew immediately this wasn't my neighbor's dog! But frankly I did not know who she was because I never saw her before.
As soon as this cutie saw me, she came bolting over to me. She was one big LOVE! A gentle soul. She loved attention and wanted to go inside. In fact, she walked me right over to the front door. So I brought her inside our house. She was SO SO excited! She checked out every room, greeted my parents, and chased Indie! Indie was NOT happy! She ran upstairs to the top floor of her cat perch! Safe and sound!!!
While interacting with this beautiful dog, I got her calm enough to check out her dog tags. I immediately called her owner and explained that I had her dog. She was stunned that her dog escaped her backyard and told me she would be right over. Mind you she lives about four blocks away!!!
This is Paisley the dog. I put her on Sunny's leash and I walked down my street and met up with her owner. I would like to say that Paisley and I got along well, but frankly I think Paisley most likely gets along with anyone. She is that loving.
I will always remember sweet Sunny visiting and staying with us in Alexandria. Our 🐶Fenway loved him. Their friendship continues over the 🌈 bridge.
I miss you nearby! I will never forget meeting you that day in Zumba class! Sunny loved Fenway and he loved staying at your home. You were great with him and I will never forget that YOU were the first one to hear Sunny bark! I can still recall your imitation of his WOOOOFFF!!! That rainbow bridge poem gets me EVERY TIME! Especially the part where our furry friend will one day spot us in heaven and comes running to our side. I will never forget Sunny, because I may have adopted him, but truthfully he rescued me.
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